
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New Orleans Hurricanes 7 yrs the Day!

As I have mentioned, we were out of town in South Carolina last week so I got out of my news and blogging habit for a while.  However I did catch that fact that New Orleans got hit with another hurricane and that it messed up the city pretty bad.

I also remember hearing CNN in the foyer at the hotel saying how "eerie" it was that the path of the hurricane Isaac was following the same path as hurricane Katrina....7 years earlier.

What CNN says is 'eerie' or 'coincidental'....those of us who read the Bible and understand that God is NOT a God of coincidences....we look for something else.

So what's the deal?  Is New Orleans ripe for God's judgment?  Is there something really nasty happening there that is an abomination to God?  As America comes under God's judgment for our blatant disobedience and whoring after other gods....could it be that judgment will start in the nastiest places in this country?

God has an extremely ironic sense of humor. Get to know Him well enough and you’ll see what I mean. Take for instance, Hurricane Isaac hitting New Orleans on the 7th anniversary that Hurricane Katrina hit. To the day. THAT, my friends, is a perfect example of God’s irony. I can just hear someone say, “What kind of ‘god’ does this?"
So, New Orleans was founded and built on the grievous sin of slavery which introduced the practice of voodoo that is still practiced to this day. There are numerous voodoo shops in New Orleans with classes utilizing this flavor of black magic, teaching how to manipulate people and circumstances. Contrary to popular belief, this stuff is powerful and very real. Then there's the customary debauchery of alcohol, drugs and prostitution that's winked at and mostly ignored by the authorities.
Of course, we can’t forget our little sodomite friends! In 1972, the celebration of Southern Decadence began and bills itself as, “one of the largest annual celebrations and festivals in New Orleans and has become known as the Gay Mardi Gras.” Celebrants arrive the Wednesday before Labor Day and usually don’t return home until the next Tuesday; almost a whole week of open homosexuality, displayed before God and all of creation. With over 120,000 gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender participants generating an economic boost of approximately $125 million, the city decided to recognize the importance of the event with an official proclamation to welcome the participants. Well there you go.
Katrina did little to dampen the spirits of the celebration. Less than a week after the storm hit, with thousands of fellow citizens suffering from homelessness and hunger, a group of sodomites marched their proud, little hearts out on Bourbon Street in the 'Big Easy,' defying the weather, then moved their party to Lafayette, LA to finish that season.
Hmmm. Guess we didn’t learn our lesson, did we? New Orleans STILL traffics in sex slaves who are part of the underground economy. Voodoo is STILL a rampant practice, with many shops proudly selling charms and materials for curses. Illicit drugs are all but openly sold on the streets. Prostitution is pretty much ignored, especially during Mardi Gras, the raunchiest party in the entire country. And the homosexuals continue to flaunt their sequined masks and leather riding crops during their week long celebration.
I have never been to New Orleans but have heard that it is quite a drunken party during Mardi Gras. 
Also, I had never heard of SOUTHERN DECADENCE which is the gay-pride celebration hosted in New Orleans which the hurricanes disrupted.
So here is some of the schedule of events from Southern Decadence;
Thursday- Big Dick Contest...this is the 'official' kickoff of Southern Decadence held upstairs at the Bourbon Pub.
Friday-huge Gay Parade starting at 7:30
Friday Midnight-Boys On Parade.  Strip show of gay men held at Bourbon Pub.
Saturday Midnight-Hot (gay) Ass Contest.  Held at Bourbon Pub.
Of course if you Google the event you can see all sorts of pictures of very gay looking men with their shirts off, wearing tight leather pants and speedo suits parading around, drunk and making out with any other man that their heart desires.
Huh...sounds a lot like Sodom right before God smote the place.
Here is what the official website lists in it's history section;
Because the 2005 celebration was cancelled due to Hurricane Katrina, Southern Decadence 2005 Grand Marshals Lisa Beaumann and Regina Adams reigned for both 2005 and 2006, making the very first time in Southern Decadence history that grand marshals
ruled for two years. And keeping with the unpredictability of Decadence, the Grand Marshals from 2008 reigned once again in 2009.
The rest, as they say, is history. What began as a little costume party is now a world-famous gay celebration. In the 40th year, it has mushroomed from a small gathering of friends to a Labor Day weekend tradition, attracting over 110,000 participants, predominantly gay and lesbian, and generating almost $125 million in tourist revenue. This annual economic impact ranks it among the city's top five tourist events.
Described by one reporter as "a happening of haberdashery fit for an LSD Alice in Wonderland," Southern Decadence 2011 will be as outrageous as ever and live up to its reputation as New Orleans' largest gay street fair. It all begins in earnest six weeks before Labor Day. However, the real party starts on the Wednesday before Labor Day, and the events are non-stop. It picks up steam daily as it nears Sunday's big street parade, which rivals New Orleans' gay Mardi Gras in scope, with the party lasting well into the day on Monday.
It sure sounds like an abomination.  Even worse they are PROUD of this Sodomite celebration!  Reminder to all..."Pride comes before the fall."

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