
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Now France is Scared

We were kind of happy to read that some news outlet in France was going to continue equally caricaturing everyone just as they always do...including Muhammad.

How is it fair to make fun of Jews, Christians, Presidents, Buddha's, Krishna's, etc....and leave Muhammad out of it?

So they published the cartoon....and now France is scared that it may have upset the 'religion of perpetual outrage'.

PARIS—France will close embassies and French schools in 20 countries on Friday, its Foreign Ministry said, amid fears of a backlash after a French magazine published a series of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.
French authorities said they feared the cartoons published Wednesday in satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo could cause more outrage in the Muslim world, days after a video denigrating the Prophet Muhammad helped to fuel violent protests at U.S. and other Western embassies in several Muslim countries.
Why do you suppose they  are going to close them on Friday?  Why didn't the riots begin immediately on today or tomorrow?
Because Friday is the Muslim holy day, so they will all go to their local mosque and wait for an Imam to get them all whipped up into a riotous rage...then they will all go home, grab some lunch, their guns, machetes, American flags, (and now French flags) some gasoline, and maybe a rocket propelled grenade launcher....and then they will head out to whoever serves French Fries and open up a can of OUTRAGE.
It is all so predictable that it is actually kind of funny...if it wasn't so deadly serious and so eternally sad.

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