
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Pakistan Kicks Out 'Save the Children'

It's going to be pretty hard for America to stay friends with some of these nut-job Islamic countries.  Of course we all know that sometimes it is necessary to get in bed with some thugs in order to advance your cause.  But how long can you stay in that bed??

Today we find out that Pakistan is kicking out a world famous charity...and we also learn some more about the poor Doctor who got 33 years for helping the CIA find Bin Laden.

I sure wonder if he would still be a free man had Obama not spouted off all the "Bin Laden is dead!" news within minutes of it happening.  Maybe we could have gotten that doctor to safety?

ISLAMABAD — The Pakistani government has ordered foreign staff members of Save the Children to leave the country, a spokesman for the international aid group said Thursday.

The group has recently come under Pakistani government scrutiny because of reports that it helped facilitate meetings between the U.S. and a doctor who allegedly helped hunt down Osama bin Laden, a charge which the group has vehemently denied. The expulsion order comes among heightened suspicion of foreigners in Pakistan in the aftermath of the al-Qaida leader’s killing.

Ghulam Qadri said the Ministry of Interior informed the organization earlier this week that its six foreign staffers would have to leave the country within two weeks, although they have since been able to extend the deadline. He did not specify the new date.

Save the Children has about 2,000 Pakistani employees across the country, who will continue to work despite the expulsion.

He said the ministry gave no reason for the expulsion: “We are working with the government to find out the details for this action.” The ministry could not be reached for comment.

After the May 2011 American raid that killed bin Laden, Pakistan arrested Shakil Afridi, the doctor who allegedly helped the United States track down the al-Qaida leader. Afridi was said to have run a fake vaccination program for the CIA to collect DNA and try to verify bin Laden’s presence at the compound in Abbottabad where U.S. commandos found and killed him.

Afridi was later convicted and sentenced to 33 years for high treason. The U.S. has been pushing for his release and praised his actions but in Pakistan he is viewed with disdain by many including security officials for helping a foreign intelligence agency operate within its borders.

In the wake of Afridi’s arrest Pakistani officials have become increasingly suspicious of groups with international ties, and many aid groups have reported that it is becoming more difficult to obtain visas.


I watched an interview about 4 years ago on PBS where the Ambassador to the UN from Pakistan was interviewed by Charlie Rose.  He very clearly said that if Pakistan falls the entire region will erupt in chaos and war...which would pull the whole world in.  He said it is kind of a key country to keep the peace in the whole region...and remember they have been at war with India since about 1948?

1 comment:

  1. As the Islamists say, The nukes in Pakistan belong to them, they just haven't received the delivery. Fun Fun... Peace, Tom
