
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Pat Robertson, "Convert to Islam to Beat Your Wife"

I don't watch Pat Robertson, but of course many people love him.  The other people that seem to love him are people who lay in wait to watch followers of Christ say stupid things.

In the clip posted on Huffington Post, you will see Pat tell a person who writes him for advice, clearly tell him that he should become a Muslim so he can beat his wife...because she kind of needs it.

See it here;

Of course we know that many Muslims do beat their wives.  Of course we know that many other people beat their wives.

Some things are better left unsaid...even if he did mean it as a joke.  Pat certainly isn't going to help bring Muslims to Christ by his comments.

The other interesting thing is to read the comments following the article.  It's pretty entertaining to read what people are saying about Pat and Christians.


  1. Islam: how to Beat Your Wife

    A how to guide....

  2. Yes but you should beat her with a short rod If u ask her for sex and she says she isn't in the mood. Wow....that would be a lot of wife beating going on in USA if that were the case!
