
Monday, September 24, 2012

Record Food Prices Are Coming

As we have blogged about in the past, USA is suffering through a record drought in various areas of the country....and so are large parts of the rest of the world.

They are being driven upwards by the climb in grain and oilseed prices as US crops weather the country's worst drought since 1936, while the farming belts of Russia and South America suffer through similar water shortages.

What we are seeing represents the third major rally in global grain and oilseed prices in just half a decade.

Worse is to come, new research warns. World food prices look set to hit an all-time high in the first quarter of next year – and then keep rising, according to the analysis from Rabobank, a specialist in agricultural commodities.

By June 2013, the basket of food prices tracked by the United Nations could climb 15pc from current levels, according to the bank's analysts.

"The coming year will see the world economy re-enter a period of agflation as grain and oilseed stocks decline to critically low levels, pushing the FAO [Food and Agricultural Organisation] Food Price Index above record nominal highs set in February 2011," they say.


So would there be any harm if the Children of the Light started to build a stock of food in our pantries?  If you knew that beef prices were going to go up 20% in the next 6 months, wouldn't it be a wise thing to make sure your freezer is full now?  How about canned goods that have a shelf life of months or even years?

Is it possible that some of us will be called upon to feed our neighbors and friends if a major disruption happens to our food distribution network?  If hardship comes and we can feed our neighbors in the name of Jesus...might we have an opportunity to tell them about the Gospel message?

We are called to be salt and light until the Master returns.

We will quote Proverbs 22:3 again, "A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it."

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