
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Riots in Greece and Spain

We haven't visited this topic in a while...but remember Greece?  Remember Spain?

Greece is hopelessly bankrupt and 100% reliant on foreigners giving them bail out money to keep things floating.  But for how long?  In order to receive the bail out money, Greece had to slash it's budget and now people are really mad.

Wouldn't you be if today the Social Security office said they were cutting your monthly payment by 50%? 

Yes, they are still rioting.  The nation will probably come apart in an ugly way.

A rally in the Greek capital turned violent when protesters in Syntagma Square lobbed Molotov cocktails at police, who retaliated by firing tear gas at the demonstrators.

Security forces also reportedly used flashbang grenades and pepper spray to push protesters back from the parliament building. According to Greek newspaper Kathimerin, the police had been ordered to refrain from using chemicals against protesters.

Around 70,000 people, as estimated by Reuters, gathered in front of the parliament for the country’s biggest anti-austerity protest since the new government came to power.

"EU, IMF out!" shouted the angry crowd.

"For the past two-to-three years we've been living an incredible social catastrophe," one of the protesters told Agence France Presse. "My salary has been cut by 50 percent. I have two children and tomorrow I don't know if I'll have a job."


And are they doing today?

Protesters clashed with police in Spain's capital on Tuesday as the government prepares a new round of unpopular austerity measures for the 2013 budget that will be announced on Thursday.

At least 22 demonstrators were detained and 28 injured, as clashes continued late into the evening near the Spanish parliament, Spanish broadcaster TVE reported.

More than 1,500 police in riot gear had been deployed throughout the day in preparation for the demonstration, with barricades being set up.

Police fired rubber bullets and beat protesters with truncheons, first as several protesters were trying to tear down barriers and later to clear the square.

The peaceful protest turned violent after a series of clashes began at 7pm local time.  

The protest, promoted over the Internet by different activist groups, was younger and more rowdy than recent marches called by labour unions. Protesters said they were fed up with cuts to public salaries and health and education.


These scenes are coming to an American city near you.  It is only a matter of time. 

We will lose the Reserve Currency status and we will continue to have the U.S. Credit rating dropped.  The world will be made aware of our $75 trillion in unfunded liabilities and they will start to look for other places besides the U.S. dollar to store their 'safe' money.

Food stamps program, Section 8 housing, Welfare, Social Security, Farm Subsidies, college grants and Guarantee Loan programs, Government pensions, Health Care for the poor, etc....these will all be cut in the coming years, either through actual cuts or more likely through inflationary cuts...meaning your payment won't decrease but the costs of everything around you will increase, so your check will buy less.

People will be mad.  Remember the OCCUPY WALL STREET movement where people camped out on the streets demanding all sorts of things?  It will come back with a vengeance.

When will this happen?  I have no idea.  But it will happen.  It has to happen.

Would you and I actually consider praying for this to happen so that we can use the misery and hardship to lead other people to Christ?  Or are we unwilling to pray for hardship for ourselves even if it made an eternal difference to someone else?

"But are wrong!  This can never happen!!  This is America!!!"

Yep and 250 years ago we heard, "But Dennis...this can never happen!!  This is Great Britain!!"

Yep and 2000 years ago we heard, "But Dennis...this can never happen!!  This is Rome!!"

The list is long and no one ever believed it would happen to them?

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