
Friday, September 21, 2012

Team Obama Using Video as Cover Up?

We could title this post, "It's Not About the Video-Part II"

As you all know, I became extremely frustrated watching the media unroll the news about the embassy attacks and constantly saying it was about the stupid video that led to Islamic violence.

News continues to surface that Team Obama may be trying to cover up a serious failure of policy and logistics that lead to our diplomat in Libya being murdered and our embassies being attacked in multiple Muslim countries.

The Jerusalem Post reported what most lucid observers already knew:
A US intelligence cable warned the American embassy in Cairo of possible violence in response to Arabic-language broadcasts of clips from an anti-Muslim film, US government sources said on Monday.
The cable, dispatched from Washington on Sept. 10, the day before protests erupted, advised the embassy the broadcasts could provoke violence. It did not direct specific measures to upgrade security, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity. . . . Copies of the cable were not sent to other US outposts in the region, including the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, where violence took the life of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. The ties between the Benghazi violence and the crude anti-Muslim film are still unclear.
Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, also has expressed the view that the attacks were anything but spontaneous. As the facts emerge there is more reason to doubt the Obama cover story. There is one news report that “the assault came with no warning at about 9:35 p.m. local time, and included fire from more than two locations. The assault included RPG’s and mortar fire, the source said, and consisted of two waves. The account that the attack started suddenly backs up claims by a purported Libyan security guard who told McClatchy Newspapers late last week that the area was quiet before the attack.”

This is no small matter. Is the government (notice Secretary of State HillaryRodham Clinton isn’t to be caught telling the tale) misleading the public to conceal an intelligence failure? Is the administration so concerned about how the attacks would reflect on its Middle East policy that it would repeatedly misrepresent what occurred?

Many from both ends of the political spectrum suspect that there’s a policy failure at the heart of this, not a crank’s video. “Not us!” is the Obama response to attacks that expose the weakness, indeed the lack of a policy, in the most volatile region in the world. 


Ouch....policy failure of Team Obama??  What???

Of course this news could be very damaging to Team Obama less than 50 days from election.  This news would also confuse the media who have repeated over and over that Islam only riots when The West provokes it...and The West needs to quit provoking and let the 'religion of peace' get back to all the wonderful contributions it has made to the global society and the global economy.

Silly liberals.  It must be hard to acknowledge that their world view of "peace, harmony and love can be achieved if everyone loves, tolerates and respects each other" being torn to shreds.  It can't be their failed world view...IT HAS TO BE THE VIDEO!!!  PLEASE LET IT BE THE VIDEO!!!!  IT CAN'T BE THE FAILED POLICIES OF MESSIAH OBAMA!!!  NOOOOOOOO!!!!!

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