
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

U.S. Church Remains in a Coma

With all that is going on all over the world with earthquakes, volcanoes, Israel in the news, Middle East turmoil, persecution of Christians happening all over, epic droughts, tornado outbreaks, etc, etc....  one would think that those folks sitting in the pews of churches all over America would be fully awake, sober and eager to engage in the final spiritual battles that are coming, to snatch people from the fire and to prepare for the coming of their claimed savior, Jesus Christ.

Yes... one would think of all the people wide awake, it would be those folks sitting in the pews listening to sermons.

US Church Remains in 'Coma' Despite Cataclysmic Events in Middle East, Says Watchdog

The church in America is no longer simply in a slumber when it comes to its lack of awareness about the persecuted church in the Middle East; it is in a "diabetic coma," says the leader of a persecution watchdog group in the U.S.

"For years we've said wake up and strengthen what remains," Open Doors USA President and CEO Dr. Carl Moeller told The Christian Post in an exclusive interview. "We would think of the American church as a napping church and that we would elbow it and it would wake up and rouse itself and do something.

"In my mind today, the picture I have is a church in a diabetic coma that has gorged itself on the sweets of affluence, materialism, and the idolatry of worshipping the materialistic world. That diabetic coma is now life threatening. We as a church are at the point of death – not the church in the Middle East. We are the ones who can no longer rouse ourselves to even pray for an hour on behalf of things that God would have us pray for."

He said he is absolutely convinced that persecution will come to America "because we have left God no option."

"One of the greatest tools of the enemy is to make the church in America and the Western world numb to the cries and suffering to people around the world," he explained.

"As a result of the church being unconscious, the enemy is going to invade. The enemy is going to destroy our family, our lives, our culture, and our freedoms. Once those things are taken away then maybe the church will rouse itself because in persecution the church inevitably does become more aware of what has been taken away from it in terms of freedoms."

Moeller said he hopes and prays that the current state of the church in the U.S. does not become a permanent disability.

"I want nothing more of a church that is simply entertaining," he said. "I want a church that is prepping people for the inevitable battle that is raging all around us spiritually."


Wow!  How convicting is that?  The Master is getting ready to return and we have buried the treasure he gave us when he left...even after giving us clear instructions to take what he has given us and multiply it.  But instead we have fallen sound asleep.

"A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest--and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man."  Proverbs 23:33-34

Yes, I realize that the above passage is usually used to mean that lazy people will end up financially poor....but I also wonder if it can apply to Spiritual laziness leading to Spiritual poverty?

We have become so illiterate of the Word of God and so consumed with our own gathering of material goods, that we have become deaf, blind and dumb to the spiritual battles raging all around us and to the plight of our brothers and sisters in other lands who are hungry, thirsty, cold and scared.

Father, please forgive us for we know not what we do.

We have left God no option but to send persecution to America.  Are we ready?

1 comment:

  1. Dennis, insightful and painfully true. I regretfully have to admit that I'm still napping after my slumber for many years.
