
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Yangtze River Turns Blood Red

This one is pretty strange...and you definitely want to see the pictures from the article.

As if this isn't strange one, as of yet, can tell us why this massive river turned blood red.

For a river known as the “golden watercourse,” red is a strange color to see.

Yet that’s the shade turning up in the Yangtze River and officials have no idea why.

The red began appearing in the Yangtze, the longest and largest river in China and the third longest river in the world, yesterday near the city of Chongquing, where the Yangtze connects to the Jialin River.

The Yangtze, called “golden” because of the heavy rainfall it receives year-round, runs through Chongqing, Southwest China’s largest industrial and commercial center, also known as the “mountain city” because of the hills and peaks upon which its many buildings and factories stand.

The red color stopped some residents in their tracks. They put water from the river in bottles to save it. Fishermen and other workers who rely on the river for income kept going about their business, according to the UK’s Daily Mail.


Let's see....isn't there a passage in about Revelation 6 that talks about 1/3 of the sea turning into blood?

Of course I am not suggesting that we are in the Tribulation and certainly the Yangtze river is not the the sea....but it most certainly looks like this huge river is flowing blood.  Could it be another foreshadowing?

Could it be one more wake up call for the Children of the Light?

Notice the last sentence above, "....kept going about their business."  So here is this amazing sight and the folks who work on the Yangtze just yawned and went out fishing.

Sounds like most of the world.  Once in a lifetime events and things never seen before are happening almost on a daily basis warning us to repent and reach for the hand of salvation that Christ has extended to us....but we all just keep going about our business.

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