
Monday, September 17, 2012

YouTube Denies White House Request

It appears that Team Obama called YouTube and asked that the video offending Muslims to be taken down.  YouTube said no.

YouTube walks a fine line between hate speech and protected speech. The problem exists in determining between what constitutes unpopular speech and what’s outright hatred. The clip that ostensibly caused the protests in Libya that resulted in attack on the United States consulate is one of these items. After a request from the White House to review whether the video violated YouTube’s terms of use, the video giant refused to take it down.

They issued a statement this past Friday saying that the clip is absolutely within the company’s guidelines and will remain on YouTube. The short film, titled “Innocence of Muslims,” is what supposedly instigated the violent outbursts in the first place. YouTube, for their part, has censored the clip in Libya and Egypt, due to the attacks, and removed it from India and Indonesia as it violates their laws.

YouTube’s statement, courtesy of Phys.Org, is pretty clear on the matter:
We work hard to create a community everyone can enjoy and which also enables people to express different opinions,” the YouTube statement said. “This can be a challenge because what’s OK in one country can be offensive elsewhere. This video—which is widely available on the Web—is clearly within our guidelines and so will stay on YouTube. However, we’ve restricted access to it in countries where it is illegal such as India and Indonesia as well as in Libya and Egypt, given the very sensitive situations in these two countries. This approach is entirely consistent with principles we first laid out in 2007.


Yep that sure is true....what's OK in one country can be offensive elsewhere. 

Maybe Islam should make it's own version of YouTube called MusTube.  In it they would only have videos that aren't offensive to Islam like; HOW TO CORRECTLY BEAT YOUR WIFE or HOW TO CORRECTLY BEHEAD AN INFIDEL, or HOW TO DRESS UP LITTLE BOYS FOR HOMOSEXUAL PERVERSION or HOW TO TEACH YOUR CHILDREN TO BLOW THEMSELVES UP AND LIKE IT or BEHEADING YOUR FIRST INFIDEL, A CHILD'S GUIDE.....wait....wait....this idea won't work because all those videos are already on YouTube.

Dang it!!  I thought I had a new and marketable idea there for a while. about this idea....everyday another country sends an email with a YouTube link to Egyptian TV.  In the link is something that they will find offensive so they will play it on Egyptian TV until they have their people whipped into a riotous lather.  The riot group will rush out and start burning things until they have nothing left to burn and then go home and fall asleep.  The next day another video comes and the same group goes out rioting and burning again...and again...and again.  This keeps repeating until the rioters are so tired from rioting that they finally go home and start figuring out what they can do for work that will afford them a living salary in the 21st century....OR.....they will all go home and start talking amongst themselves about the reasons that the 57 member states of the Organization of Islamic Conference has 20% of the earth's population but only produce less than 7% of the earth's gross domestic product.

Maybe they can start looking in the mirror and wondering what the heck is wrong with their society....and maybe even ask the bigger question of "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ALLAH?  IS HE EVEN REALLY A GOD?"

Wait a second.....if Egyptian TV reads this blog...are they going to be offended?  Might this blog posting be the result of the next huge riot in the Middle East if they translate it to Arabic and show it??  Might I end up with my head covered in a towel heading for the police station because of may hateful and offensive comments above??? 


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