
Friday, October 19, 2012

Christian Section of Beirut Bombed

A big bomb blast recently went off in Beirut.  I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say it was Muslims who did it?  As of now 8 people are being reported dead with dozens injured.

And yes, it happened in the Christian section of the city.

BEIRUT, Lebanon — A large bomb exploded in the heart of Beirut’s Christian section on Friday, and Civil Defense officials said at least eight people were killed. The blast injured many others, shattered windows for blocks and spread panic in a city where memories of sectarian violence from Lebanon’s long civil war have been resurrected by the conflict in neighboring Syria.

The identities of the dead were not immediately clear, and there was no word on who was behind the blast, which the authorities said had been caused either by a car bomb or a bomb hidden in the street or under a vehicle parked in the affluent Sassine area, about two blocks from a gleaming shopping center.

Residents and politicians noted that the explosion took place in the same area where a bomb hit the headquarters of the Christian Phalange Party in 1982, assassinating its leader, Bashir Gemayel, just after he had been elected president.

Civil Defense officers who rushed to the scene picked pieces of flesh off a security fence and put them into plastic bags. Wounded people, many of them elderly residents of the neighborhood, were emerging from houses, sobbing. One woman walked in a bloodied nightgown.

The physical scars of the civil war that tore apart Beirut’s central downtown are hardly evident today in the vibrant districts of Ashrafiyeh in the largely Christian east and Hamra in the largely Muslim west. Once strongholds of Christian and Muslim factions, they are now usually peaceful areas full of pubs and restaurants where Lebanese mix freely. But vestiges of the divisions remain evident with posters of the leaders of each sect killed over the years in political violence.


Did you know that Beirut used to be called the "Paris of Lebanon"?  It used to be a place full of restaurants, arts, beaches and hotels.  That all ended when civil war broke out in 1975 and lasted for about 16 years.

You can Google the history, but of course Muslim factions were VERY INVOLVED in the Civil War.  And now Lebanon is the headquarters of Hezbollah.

More evidence that when Islam moves into a will ultimately bear bad fruit.

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