
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Egyptian On Trial for Desecrating Bible

Of course we all know there is a huge double standard within Islam.  If anyone tears off pages of the Koran or decides to burn one....the entire 23 nations of Islam would have a conniption fit and the rioting may commence at once!

But what happens if someone burns the Holy Bible?  Cue the crickets chirping.

Well be encouraged Christians!!...because Egypt is trying a man who ripped up the New Testament.

Radical Muslim blogger Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Abdallah, also known as Abu Islam, has spoken out on his recent charges for "contempt for religion" after he ripped the pages of a New Testament Bible in mid-September in Cairo, Egypt.
Abdallah's charges, which include "contempt for the Christian religion" and are filed under the country's umbrella of anti-blasphemy laws, are the first of their kind to be investigated by government officials.

"There is no such thing as the Bible or the Torah, there is only the Quran!" Abu Islam told the Egyptian online newspaper Ahram Online in an exclusive interview regarding his charges, arguing that his actions are not illegal because in his opinion, Christianity is not a valid religion.


Did you catch that??  In his opinion, Christianity is not a valid he rips up the NT!!  But of course if in my opinion, Islam is not a valid religion, and I rip up the Koran...the nations of Islam will go on a hell-fire rampage.

As we have said numerous times before...when something lacks any evidence of logic, there has to be some sort of supernatural power behind it.  In this case, Islamic protesters lack any sense of logic, and we know for certain that Allah IS NOT the God of Abraham, Isaac and that means that Satan is the supernatural power behind how illogical many Muslims are...especially those who would take time out of their busy days to protest some YouTube video made in another country that has freedom of speech.

We will need to keep our eyes on this case and see if this Egyptian blogger gets the same stiff penalty for ripping up a New Testament as some other Egyptian would get for ripping up a Koran.

If not...then we will have further evidence of even more illogical happenings in this backward country.

Finally....please, please, PLEASE remember that Christ told us to pray for our enemies.  If we start to feel hatred and ill will towards these lost souls in Islam...then we BECOME part of the problem.  I would rather that the Bride of Christ be part of the solution to this massive deception called 'Islam".

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