
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Jesus Will Kill All Who Refuse Islam

Did you know that many Muslims also see the Last Days signs the same as we do?  Yep, they understand that earthquakes, famines, wars, etc... are pointing to the soon return of Jesus.

But there is a BIG difference.  They believe that Jesus is coming to kill the Antichrist but also coming to kill all the Christians and Jews who DON'T ACCEPT ISLAM!!

See video here;

Of course this is terribly sad...because it means that hundreds of millions of Muslims have been deceived by a book full of lies.  These lies came to pervert the Truth of Jesus Christ almost 800 years after Christ had ascended. The world had already been given the book of Revelation and the entire New Testament.

Of course darkness doesn't like the light so when Satan saw that the Light had already spread all through the Middle East and Asia he came to Muhammad and said, "I have a story to tell will be like god in the eyes of millions...I have a plan for name is listen closely...."

Hat tip to Tom F.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis, for what it is worth many speculate that the Muslim Antichrist called Dajjal is actually the 2 witnesses. From the Hadiths.. When the Dajjal faces him [ISA], he [the Dajjal] will begin to dissolve like salt in water. He [Jesus] will say to him:"I have to step in;you cannot escape." the Speculation is So after Dajjal is killed and then is called "to come hither" and he will dissolve away like salt in water.
