
Monday, October 29, 2012

Life Threatening Storm Surge

The folks on TV news are running out of adjectives to describe what they are seeing coming ashore out East.

It has the capacity to be the biggest storm EVER to hit the East Coast.  They already are recording the lowest barometric pressure EVER.  They are saying that from West Virginia into parts of Pennsylvania could get 2 feet of snow along with 70 mph winds would would make it the worst winter storm EVER...and it's still October!!

One reporter said that if the storm surge comes on shore in NYC as high as expected that it could take a whole stretch of land from Fire Island to the Hampton's and wash it out to sea...just making some of the most expensive real estate in America VANISH FOREVER!  Another report said if the NYC subway system fills with salt could be wrecked FOREVER!!

Wow!  I just gotta wonder what the heck we did to Israel this time? 

Or maybe by wiping out the financial district of America God is sending us a warning that we should quit worshiping Mammon?  Or maybe He's upset about the 57,000,000 babies we ripped out of their mother's womb?  Or maybe he is upset because the average age of first exposure to hard-core porn has just dropped to 8 yrs old....and this nation has done NOTHING to stop that perverse damage.

"This one has got so many facets to it -- you’ve got wind, you’ve got rain, you’ve got snow, you’ve got the full moon, you’ve got the storm surge,” said Doug Spiron, who is running home-improvement retailer Home Depot Inc. (HD)’s emergency response operations involving 350 employees in Atlanta. “Then there’s the impact of the sheer size of the storm. This one takes it to another whole level of preparation.”


Sandy may cut into sales of clothing and accessories as the holiday shopping season nears, according to Oliver Chen, an analyst at Citigroup Inc. in New York. The storm may reduce November same-store sales by as much as 3 percent as traffic may fall 40 percent in storm-affected areas in November’s first week, which accounts for about 22 percent of the month’s sales, Chen said today in a note.

The storm may help discount and home-improvement stores such as Home Depot as consumers stock up on supplies, while reducing purchases at specialty-apparel chains, Chen said. American Eagle Outfitters Inc., Limited Brands Inc. and Urban Outfitters Inc. are among the companies with the highest percentages of their stores affected by the storm, he said.

“The storm will disrupt last-minute Halloween sales and mall traffic but drive up stock-up trips to the discounters,” Deborah Weinswig, a Citigroup analyst, said in an e-mail today. As such, she expects Sandy’s impact to be “mixed.”


Holy relief!!  Halloween sales might be put off by the storm...but all the people buying storm supplies should make up for it!!

I wonder how many people in America spent more time this year shopping for Halloween candy than they did reading the Holy Bible?

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