
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Muslim Attempts to Bomb Federal Reserve

Did you know that a Muslim student from Bangladesh came to America to go to college in Missouri, but really wanted to blow up a major building in New York City to avenge the death of Osama Bin Laden?

Did you know that he was arrested today?

Did you know that he bought 1000 pounds of fake explosives, put them in a rented truck and parked the truck next to the Fed building and tried to detonate it so it would kill the most people possible?

Did you know that ABC Good Morning America refused to say the word "Muslim" or "Islam" while they were doing the report this morning?

Did you know that I just went to Google News to read more about the story and Google must not feel the story is relevant enough to make their headline news?

I went to ABC to find the story. 

You can watch the video and read the report here;

The dudes name is, Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis. 

It just goes to show you....not all Muslims are terrorists BUT almost all terrorists are Muslims.

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