
Monday, October 29, 2012

Quakes in Arkansas

While Hurricane Sandy is pummeling the East coast, some quakes are rattling the most dangerous fault in North Arkansas.

For long time readers you will remember that the New Madrid fault that runs through Arkansas and Missouri produced some of the most massive quakes in history exactly 200 yrs ago.

Not to double down on the doom and gloom or suggest the Americas are slated to descend into Mad Max-style chaos and anarchy, but the latest in a recent flurry of North American earthquakes just rumbled across one of the most dangerous earthquake zones in the United States.

That’s right, even as Hurricane Sandy, one of the largest storms in history, threatens to morph into a hybrid superstorm once it strikes the East Coast, the planet has let the middle of the country know it hasn’t forgotten them with a 3.9 magnitude earthquake.

Residents of western North Carolina felt a smaller 2.9 magnitude quake about 40 minutes before the Arkansas temblor.

Residents of more quake-prone regions may laugh at alarmed responses to relatively small events in the South and Midwest. However, the Arkansas quake took place in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, which isn’t as noisy as other seismic zones, but some geologists consider it the most dangerous earthquake producer in the U.S. since it produced two of the largest quakes in recorded history 200 years ago.


Now imagine if an 8.0 rocked Kansas City some time soon and knocked out power, natural gas and bridges for weeks or months.  Think Walmart would be empty in a hurry in the town near you?

Even then....would Americans wake up and realize that all these disasters are NOT a coincidence?

Hat tip to Guy B.

1 comment:

  1. Please do not post...
    For what it is worth 70% of the countries mutual fund electronic records are on the servers in the underground caves outside of KS City. I took a tour of them when I worked in the Mutual fund industry. Wow, wake up one morning and all the 1's and 0's are gone. Talk about panic in the markets. It would take weeks to load the backups.
