
Monday, October 8, 2012

Turkey and Syria Exchange Fire....Again

It started off as Syria making a 'mistake' and lobbing a mortar shell into Turkey.  But now, after it has happened for 6 days in a may be getting much harder to make that claim and still have the Turks believe it.

We have no idea if Syria is trying to provoke Syria or if these mortars are simply falling into Turkey because mortar-fire isn't very accurate.

What we do know is that Damascus was mentioned in the article and it still needs to be destroyed according do Isaiah 17...and to be so utterly destroyed that it will be uninhabitable. (Nukes?  Chemicals?)

Just more evidence of 'nation against nation' that Jesus told us to watch for.

The Middle East is simmering in all sorts of places.  It's just a matter of time before it boils over and burns lots of people in the process.

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