
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

U.S. Jews and Protestants Hit 45 yr Low

On Sunday, October 14 we blogged about the Bride of Christ cursing Israel.

Today we have a follow up to that coming from Haaretz News in Israel.

Heading toward an irreparable rift between U.S. Jews and Protestants

As relations between Jews and mainline Protestants in the U.S. hit a 45-year low after 15 Protestant leaders sent a letter to Congress urging that aid to Israel be reconsidered.

There have always been ups and downs in the relations between mainline Protestants and American Jews, but they have now hit a 45-year low. And this time, they may not recover.
On October 5, fifteen mainline Protestant leaders sent a letter to Congress urging that American aid to Israel be reconsidered because of settlement building and human rights violations by Israel in the West Bank. Leaders of the Jewish community, across the ideological and religious spectrum, responded with dismay, disbelief, and outrage.
Relations between Jews and mainline Protestants have long been stormy. The exception is the honeymoon period of roughly 20 years following World War II. On the Protestant side, there was guilt over Christian silence during the Holocaust. On the Jewish side, there was a craving for respectability and acceptance that came with the Jewish migration from the cities to the suburbs. In addition, there was a broad convergence of values and interests; both sides were champions of civil rights and strict church-state separation.

The Congressional letter of October 5 must be seen in this context. Criticism of settlements is completely legitimate; I am an outspoken settlement critic myself. But the Protestant leaders made no effort to include in their letter words that might have reassured Jews and others that this effort was not motivated by hostility to Israel. They could have expressed the hope that the Palestinians would return to the negotiating table in the days ahead. They could have said that just as the Jewish people must welcome the Palestinian people as neighbors in a sovereign Palestinian state, so too must the Palestinian people welcome the Jewish people as neighbors in a sovereign Jewish state. They could have said that just as a two-state solution will require Israel to radically change its settlement policy, so too will it require the Palestinians to renounce the Right of Return and to declare the conflict with Israel over—once and for all.
But the Protestant leaders did none of these things. And by failing to do so, they aroused all of the suspicions that exist in the Jewish community about the real intentions of the letter.
Now please remember the hypocrisy of the U.S. telling Israel it can't build on 'occupied territory'....we who took millions of square miles from the Native Americans.
Please imagine if the Indians of the Pine Ridge Reservation started launching 6000 missiles into Rapid City and blew up suicide bombers in front of grade schools in Sturgis, SD....would those same Protestant "religious leaders' be fine with that because, after all,  the Indians are simply seeking justice for the land that was taken from them, including the holy site of Bear Butte in Sturgis??
What if every time Rapid City tried to build apartment buildings on 'occupied land' the entire world and the United Nations issued letters to Rapid City telling them they better not build one more house or apartment on this 'occupied land'?
Israel is a postage stamp of land in the Middle East.  The Arabs and Muslims currently have 1000 times more land than the Jews....but yet these Protestant Leaders want to pressure the Jews.
Again, it's about those blessings and curses.

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