
Sunday, November 4, 2012

9 Scenarios....All Bad

Come on now!!  What's up with these financial markets??  Can't we breathe some life into Mammon and get back to the good ol' days when Cancun vacations were a dime a dozen, 2nd homes in FL were the norm and 5000 sq foot homes went up like popcorn??  What the heck??

This dude is bringing me down.....

"Is the U.S. condemned by history to slow growth", asks Bloomberg?  Yes. But for traders and investors, it’s far worse than just bearish slow growth. Plan for no growth or zero growth.

Why? Wall Street, America and the world economy are in the early stages of a long era of “de-growth,” a reversal of economic growth and reduction in market growth as population growth adds new stresses on commodities resources, creates unrest, disasters and wars. Big problems ahead.

Please listen; earnings growth is in a slowdown in all of the following nine scenarios.  Economy down. Earnings down. Stocks down. Trading down. Focus on the long term, on history, look past the noise about elections and fiscal cliffs.

Why? This is an economic “perfect storm.” All nine scenarios end in bad news for all markets, spell danger for your future income, your family’s security. Start planning now.

Yes, whether you like it or not, America is already edging toward a newer, bigger, costlier war: No lessons learned after two exhausting wars the past 11 years, 2.3 million boots in Iraq and Afghanistan, at an estimated cost of $29.7 trillion new debt. Are Americans addicted to war? Bigger budgets? More debt? Austerity? Yes, all scenarios are growth killers. And yet like an addict, we won’t stop this insanity, without a disaster.

Warning to all you investors, the stage is set. The economic growth trajectory of the last 300 years is ending. You must take action, protect your family. A collapse can happen sooner than you think, spread fast, wide ... these nine scenarios are now a perfect storm.

See it here;

Start planning now??  For what?...unrest, disasters and war??  What is this guy...a Bible reader or a columnist for Market Watch?

Isn't he just supposed to tell us that everything is going to get better after the election?

If I can't have any hope in Mammon by laying aside all my treasure here on earth so that I can relax and take it easy during my golden years...what the heck is the purpose of this whole existence?

Didn't this dude go to college??

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