
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Egypt Threatens to Fight Alongside Palestinians

All the players of Psalm 83 seem to be rattling at the same time.

This morning we awoke to news of 250 rockets fired from Gaza into Israel that killed three Jews in their apartment.  Israel, in response, is lighting up Gaza and preparing for a ground incursion...according to news reports.

And now we have the newly empowered Islamic horde in Egypt ramping up their threats on Israel.

Today, Egypt’s Freedom and Justice Party, the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood – a party formerly headed by current President Mohammed Morsi – announced that Egypt would get involved if Israel continued to kill terrorists in the Gaza Strip. Such Israeli action, said the party, would prompt “swift Arab and international action to stop the massacres.” The party also warned that Israel “must take into account the changes in the Arab region and especially Egypt … [Egypt] will not allow the Palestinians to be subjected to Israeli aggression, as in the past.”

The question now is whether the Obama administration will be able to prevent Egypt from attempting overt or covert intervention on behalf of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. If the United States leads from behind – or worse, if they show daylight with Israel – Israel’s security will be in grave danger. Even as dozens of rockets are fired at Israel, the Obama administration has yet to say anything. The Obama administration, by contrast, couldn’t shut up about a YouTube video even as Americans were slaughtered in Benghazi. And Obama continues to tout the Arab Spring as an awakening for freedom and liberty rather than for Islamism.
No wonder Israel’s neighbors in the north (Syria) and south (Gaza and Egypt) are getting aggressive. They have a friend in the White House.


I probably don't need to remind long time readers that these are some of the players mentioned in Psalm 83.  Now all we need is for Jordan to REMIND Israel that they also will fight for their Arab brothers in Gaza and then for Hezbollah in Lebanon to REMIND Israel they will join the fight.  Syria and Israel have already exchanged live fire.

The players are on stage.

Hat tip to Jared F.

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