
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Man Cooks Wife While We Cook Turkey

OK...I was going to skip the gory, 'bad news' headlines today in honor of Thanksgiving and was just going to say something like, "Have a blessed day!"

So I got up early today to make stuffing then stuff and roast a 23.8 pound turkey.  Everything went well and the bird fit in the roaster and is steaming away as I type.

Then I grabbed my coffee and turned on my laptop only to find this headline about what someone else was steaming in the kitchen.

Cross-dressing husband 'dismembered wife and cooked her body parts in pans on the stove after stuffing her severed head in the freezer'

  • Frederick Hengl, 68, faces first degree murder charges in his wife's grisly murder
  • Police found flesh and bones belonging to his wife, Anna Faris, simmering inside three pans
  • Work bench with bone saw and other cutting tools was set up in a bathroom
  • Officers found a bag filled with freshly cut bone pieces and a meat grinder 'in use' 
  • Neighbours reported hearing power tools and horrible smell pouring from house over last week and a half
  • Victim Anna Maria Faris described as frequently running around neighbourhood holding a knife and with her pants down

  • Here:

    Can you sense some Satanic perversion to the 10th degree going on here??  Why would the victim frequently run around holding a knife with her pants down?  Why do all these cannibalistic stories involve people pulling their pants down??  "They invent ways of doing evil....."

    "Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not be done."  Romans 1:28

    Dude!!  Dressing in ladies panties while you behead your wife and cook her on the stove OUGHT NOT BE DONE!!

    When a person turns from God and seeks evil over and over again...this scripture tells us that ultimately God will just say, "You really want Satanic evil and perversion?  Here you go.  I'll be waiting if you ever want to seek me again."

    Any-who, since there really isn't a good segue here....HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!  Enjoy your families, enjoy the plentiful food we have, the electricity, running water, natural gas, hot showers, big screen TV's for football, etc....  It is all a blessing from God.

    I wonder how many more Thanksgivings America will have?  I wonder how many Americans are worshipping the blessings today instead of worshipping Him who gave them?

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