
Thursday, November 8, 2012

"Milestone Year" For Gay Advocates

The front page of the MN Star Tribune today announced that the push for gay marriage is gathering steam here in MN...why here?  Because the voters voted DOWN a marriage amendment that was on our ballot to define marriage in our constitution as "One man and one woman".

Now I turn on Google News and am confronted with this headline;

As Victories Pile Up, Gay Rights Advocates Cheer ‘Milestone Year’

Gay rights advocates savored multiple victories on Wednesday, with the first election victories for same-sex marriage in Maine, Maryland and Minnesota, the election in Wisconsin of the nation’s first openly gay senator and the re-election of President Obama, who had taken a risk by endorsing same-sex marriage.

“It truly was a milestone year,” said Chad Griffin, the president of the Human Rights Campaign, which raised millions of dollars for this year’s campaigns. “We had success across the board and across the country.”

In what some called a clear sign that public opinion was shifting, voters in Maine and Maryland endorsed same-sex marriage, the first time that such rights have been approved at the ballot box. In Washington State, where ballots on a similar measure were still trickling in by mail, approval maintained a small lead. Supporters declared victory, saying they were confident that the margin would hold or increase.

Advocates of same-sex marriage had a threefold advantage in fund-raising nationwide, and they unveiled advertising campaigns of their own in which straight supporters said that their gay and lesbian friends deserved the same chance to marry that others enjoyed.


Friends, we have said it before and we will say it again...the perversion is going to come like a flood.  There will be no stopping it unless the Holy Spirit decides to come and directly stop the flood himself.  And when you realize the Holy Spirit is dwelling in "believers' and then realize that those 'believers' voted for Obama by the really can't hold out too much hope for the flood to cease.

We believe that the next process to occur on God's calendar will be that we will get what we deserve and that God will 'give us over' to our sinful desires.

In essence He will say, 'You want perversion in your land...then can have it!"

Lord have mercy on us...we know not what we are doing.

As Greg Laurie says in his devotional today, (I'm paraphrasing), "The house is on fire and people are inside and will die unless you awaken them and tell them to 'get out'. 

We need to have that same urgency to warn people that time is short...the fires of hell have been kindled and will soon be demanding the souls of billions.  Are we busy warning our friends and family?


  1. Seriously can't wait until Minnesota approves legislation approving gay marriage. Bring on the fire!

  2. Nice comment, anonymous. Anyone who wishes for the hellfires to be kindled has to have some serious issues with his Creator. Of course the Bible is clear that at some point God just gives people over to their desires...even if they are eternally destructive. What anonymous probably hasn't thought of is that bi-sexual marriage of a man marrying one man and one woman, and men marrying 3 women at a time will also be in play. Society will be wrecked without traditional family...its alreay bearing the consequences of heterosexual marriage collapsing from divorce.
