
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Netanyahu Facing Payback From Obama?

I'm quite sure that Obama knows he is the most unpopular U.S. President EVER amongst Israelis.  It's also no secret that Netanyahu was hoping for a Romney victory.  So is the Netanayahu-Obama relationship about to get even rockier?

It was hard to imagine champagne corks popping in the Israeli prime minister's Jerusalem residence as Barack Obama took to the stage to make his victory speech. Much more likely was a mood of sombre resignation, possibly spiked with trepidation, as Binyamin Netanyahu reflected on his heavy bet on the wrong horse.

Judging by the swiftly delivered official response, there is no problem: Netanyahu and Obama will continue their close, warm and strategically aligned partnership.

No one who has observed the deepening chill and distance between the two leaders over the past four years is likely to buy that. But, assuming Netanyahu is still prime minister after Israel's general election on 22 January, the day after Obama's re-inauguration, both men will be forced to recalibrate their difficult relationship.

In this, Obama has the moral advantage after the Israeli leader was widely perceived to have openly backed a Romney victory. Obama is unlikely to make the same mistake in the Israeli election, however much he may privately hope for Netanyahu's demise.


Deepening chill and distance  between the leaders of Israel and America??  Does anyone see a problem with that?  Does anybody who reads their Bible believe that a sour relationship with Israel will be good for America?

It's funny how many people believe Israel NEEDS America...when in reality it is us that need them.  So Mr. Obama, please make nice with Mr. Netanyahu...for all of our sakes.

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