
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Obama's Nightmare

NYT Columnist, Thomas Friedman wrote an article yesterday titled OBAMA'S NIGHTMARE.

Basically he tells the story of how every U.S. President has had it's problem country in the Middle East that they had to deal with during their tenure.

Poor Obama....he may have a full on Middle East war to deal with.

The scandal engulfing two of our top military and intelligence officers could not be coming at a worse time: the Middle East has never been more unstable and closer to multiple, interconnected explosions. Virtually every American president since Dwight Eisenhower has had a Middle Eastern country that brought him grief. For Ike, it was Lebanon’s civil war and Israel’s Sinai invasion. For Lyndon Johnson, it was the 1967 Six-Day War. For Nixon, it was the 1973 war. For Carter, it was the Iranian Revolution. For Ronald Reagan, it was Lebanon. For George H.W. Bush, it was Iraq. For Bill Clinton, it was Al Qaeda and Afghanistan. For George W. Bush, it was Iraq and Afghanistan. For Barack Obama’s first term, it was Iran and Afghanistan, again. And for Obama’s second term, I fear that it could be the full nightmare — all of them at once. The whole Middle East erupts in one giant sound and light show of civil wars, states collapsing and refugee dislocations, as the keystone of the entire region — Syria — gets pulled asunder and the disorder spills across the neighborhood.

So the situation is not hopeless. I know American officials are tantalized by the idea of flipping Syria from the Iranian to the Western camp by toppling Assad. That would make my day, too, but I’m skeptical it would end the conflict. I fear that toppling Assad, without a neutral third party inside Syria to referee a transition, could lead not only to permanent civil war in Syria but one that spreads around the region. It’s a real long shot, but we should keep trying to work with Russia — Syria’s lawyer — to see if together we can broker a power-sharing deal inside Syria and a United Nations-led multinational force to oversee it. Otherwise, this fire will rage on and spread, as the acid from the Shiite-Sunni conflict eats away at the bonds holding the Middle East together and standing between this region and chaos.


Funny how many of the nations mentioned above are the nations mentioned in the Bible as the Day of the Lord approaches.

As I type this, hundreds of missiles have been fired into Israel from Gaza, Israel has executed the top leader of Hamas, 3 Israelis are dead and Israel is preparing for a ground invasion of Gaza....and that's on the South side of things.  In the North the IDF is on high alert and already has exchanged cannon fire with Syrian forces, Hezbollah is just itching to launch it's missiles in Lebanon and Iran is months away from a nuclear weapon that they would love to have in order to vaporize Israel to usher in the Islamic savior they call the '12th Imam'.

Seriously, if this were all a movie that you were watching at home on a Friday night...this would be the part where you would say, "Let's pause it, refill the popcorn, grab a cold pop and get ready for the big climax of this one!"

Could we be days away from the entire militarized world tumbling into a Middle East explosion?

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