
Monday, November 5, 2012

Pakistani Parents Kill Daughter by Acid

I don't believe many of us here in America have ANY CLUE what we are dealing with in the religion of Islam.

A Pakistani couple accused of killing their 15-year-old daughter by pouring acid on her carried out the attack because she sullied the family's honor by looking at a boy, the couple said in an interview broadcast Monday by the BBC.

The girl's death underlines the problem of so-called "honor killings" in Pakistan where women are often killed for marrying or having relationships not approved by their families or because they are perceived to have somehow dishonored their family.

The girl's parents, Mohammad Zafar and his wife Zaheen, recounted the Oct. 29 incident from jail. The father said the girl had turned to look at a boy who drove by on a motorcycle, and he told her it was wrong.

"She said 'I didn't do it on purpose. I won't look again.' By then I had already thrown the acid. It was her destiny to die this way," the girl's mother told the British broadcaster.

According to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, at least 943 women were killed in the name of honor last year. Only 20 of the women were reported to have been given medical care before they died, the report said. The real toll is believed to be higher because many of the crimes go unreported.


So do you remember how last week we posted about 15 Christian leaders who co-signed a letter to Congress asking them to reconsider support for Israel because of HUMAN RIGHTS concerns??

I wonder if those same Christian leaders (who wrote from the ELCA and other mainline denominations) will send a letter to Congress asking us to withdraw any funding from Pakistan because of the complicit accpetance of these human rights abuses!  Well over 1000 girls got murdered by their parents last year!!

No, I'm sure you will only hear crickets chirping over at the ELCA office because they KNOW that ISLAM is a GREAT RELIGION OF PEACE!

Friends, Satan is alive and well in the religion of Islam.  He is using the largely illiterate Muslims to believe all things told to them by their local Imams.  We need to pray like never before for our enemies.  These folks are lost in the worst way, just like we were before Christ found us. 

Any parent that could throw acid on his daughter is certainly under the control of the EVIL ONE.

Lord, in these Last Days, please help us keep it straight that we are to love our enemies and only hate their sin.  It is so easy for us to look at these lost people and feel animosity or even hatred towards parents who throw acid on their kids, but we realize that this is NOT God honoring and only allows the power of the Evil One to grow.  Forgive us and have mercy on us.


  1. Did I read this wrong? The Dad threw acid on his daughter for looking at a boy? Right after she said she wouldn't do it again? Why would you be walking around with acid in your possession anyway? I'm at a loss.

  2. I wondered the same thing...why would you be walking around with acid? Of course the answer must be that they had already come to the conclusion that their daughter must die and had the acid prepared and were just looking for the slightest excuse to throw it on her. We simply can't imagine in The West what makes up the Middle Eastern Muslim mind...and just how lost they are in the Satanic cult of Islam.
