
Friday, November 2, 2012

Wolves Will Come Into the Flock

Of course we are all familiar with Catholic sex abuse stories and most Christians are certainly familiar with local clergy who have acted on perverse impulses.

I recently heard survey results that a large percentage of pastors admit to having viewed pornography online over the previous months.

Of course these are the people we trust the most....but Jesus warned us to be on guard, especially in the Last Days.

A Michigan pastor accused of beating and strangling his fiancee's daughter to fulfill a sexual fantasy had asked church members to pray for the young woman before police found her body, a friend said Friday.

Ex-convict John D. White knew the victim, Rebekah Gay, 24, and regularly watched her 3-year-old son while she worked, friend Donna Houghton said. White even told investigators that after killing Gay and dumping her body, he returned to her mobile home to dress the boy in a Halloween costume before taking the youngster to his father, authorities said.

White said he drank four or five beers before going to Gay's mobile home and repeatedly striking her head with a mallet and strangling her with a zip tie, according to a court filing. He said he stripped her but does not remember if he carried out his fantasy of having sex with Gay's dead body.

"He just basically said he was attracted to her, thought she was a very cute girl. It's a crazy, tragic situation," Isabella County Sheriff Leo Mioduszewski told The Associated Press.

White confessed after investigators told him Gay's body was likely to deteriorate in the cold, wet weather, Mioduszewski said.
Houghton, who had a role in hiring White three years ago to be pastor at Christ Community Fellowship, a church with just 14 members, said she and others are "absolutely floored."
Talk about 'inventing evil'?  This case has to fit into that category.
You think Satan has to be involved in the desire to kill someone and have sex with her dead body?
Lord, help us.

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