
Friday, December 7, 2012

Brightest Comet EVER Will Soon Be Seen

This article is pretty darn interesting.  Why?  Because the Bible tells us to watch for signs in the sky. 

The other reason its interesting is because of the language in the newspaper reports from the LAST TIME this huge comet came around and freaked everybody out.

As it flares out of the distant Oort Cloud, the newly discovered comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) appears to be heading on a trajectory that could make for one of the most spectacular night-sky events in living memory. Why is this comet expected to be so unique? Two reasons:

Astronomers predict that the comet will pass just 1.16 million miles from the Sun as it swings around its perihelion, or closest approach. (This may seem like a lot, but remember - the Sun is big. If we were to scale the Sun down to the size of Earth, the comet would pass well within the orbits of dozens of satellites.) The close approach will melt enormous amounts of the comet's ice, releasing dust and gas and forming what should be a magnificent tail.

After it loops around the Sun and forms this tail, the comet should then
pass relatively close to Earth - not near enough to cause any worry, but close enough to put on a great show. Viewers in the Northern Hemisphere will get the best view as the comet blooms in the weeks approaching Christmas 2013. The comet could grow as bright as the full moon. 

Ooooooooo!!!!.....Christmas 2013!!!!.....Bright as the full moon!!.....I wonder if we will all still be here to see it??  Let's continue....

Of course, comets have a habit of not living up to expectations. This one could be sucked into the Sun during its close approach, or not grow as much of a tail as astronomers hope.

But that hasn't dampened enthusiasm for what Astronomy Now is awkwardly calling "a once-in-a-civilisation's-lifetime" event. The comet expert John E. Bortle is already comparing ISON with the Great Comet of 1680, which, according to contemporary accounts, caused the people of New York's Manhattan Island to be "overcome with terror at a sight in the heavens such as has seldom greeted human eyes.... In the province of New York a day of fasting and humiliation was appointed, in order that the wrath of God might be assuaged."

The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America by John Fiske

Chapter XI, 'New York in the Year 1680'

Late in the autumn of 1680 the good people of Manhattan were overcome with terror at a sight in the heavens such as has seldom greeted human eyes. An enormous comet, perhaps the most magnificent one on record, suddenly made its appearance. At first it was tailless and dim, like a nebulous cloud, but at the end of a week the tail began to show itself and in a second week had attained a length of 30 degrees; in the third week it extended to 70 degrees, while the whole mass was growing brighter. After five weeks it seemed to be absorbed into the intense glare of the sun, but in four days more it reappeared like a blazing sun itself in the throes of some giant convulsion and threw out a tail in the opposite direction as far as the whole distance between the sun and the earth. Sir Isaac Newton, who was then at work upon the mighty problems soon to be published to the world in his Principia, welcomed this strange visitor as affording him a beautiful instance for testing the truth of his new theory of gravitation. But most people throughout the civilized world, the learned as well as the multitude, feared that the end of all things was at hand. Every church in Europe, from the grandest cathedral to the humblest chapel, resounded with supplications, and in the province of New York a day of fasting and humiliation was appointed,in order that the wrath of God might be assuaged. 


Holy signs in the sky!!  A "once in a civilization event"??  That sounds really cool!!

Did you see how the folks of New York thought that the end of the world was upon them??  Do you see what they immediately did??....THEY FASTED AND HUMBLED THEMSELVES AND PRAYED TO THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE!!

Guess what is going to happen next time in New York when this thing shows up??  People will light their pot pipes (legally), smoke a big bong, plan their gay weddings to coincide with the sky show, and plan all sorts of pagan festivals around it...the whole time cursing the God of the Bible.

Maybe this time it WILL BE the end of all least for this country.

Jesus told us in Luke 17:
26 “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27 People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.

28 “It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. 29 But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Funny how in the Islamic tradition" A star with a luminous tail will rise from the East before the Mahdi emerges." (Ka'b al-Ahbar) It is worth reading about the series of events that is around this in the Islamic world view.

    Small summary, When the Mahdi and prophet get to town they kill all the Jews and Christians that will not convert to Islam. Those faithful who are left the Daabba will mark by writing "Mu'min" (faithful believer) between their eyes. Sound familiar?

    Humm fall of 2013 for this comet. The next metonic window in the Jewish 360 day calendar that has 86 moons in a 7 year period that lines up with the feasts and the book of Daniel is in the fall of 2014.

    Do you think that we will be around to actually see the rise of the Anti-Christ?

    I suspect his emergence may very well be after the Ezekiel's war.



  2. Wow! Interesting stuff Tom! The passage in 2 Thessalonians leads me to believe that the Holy Spirit needs to be withdrawn (restrainer) before the Antichrist is revealed. So I am currently in the camp of folks who believe that we may have some idea of the candidates that COULD fill the position...but we will be gone before we know for sure who the Antichrist is. Also, if you haven't read it yet, you would be REALLY interested in Joel Richardson's new book ISLAMIC ANTICHRIST. I gotta say, after reading it, I am switching camps to believe the Antichrist will come from Islam and that the legs of iron in Daniel's vision WERE NOT ROME but instead were the Islamic caliphate that ruled the middle east...and will revive to make up the feet of iron and clay that Jesus wills strike down. Also he makes a good case about Ezekiels war. If you read it, please tell me what you think.

  3. Yes, Interesting.

    I need to read Joel's book. For what it is worth I have have been leaning in the direction of the caliphate for over a decade.

    Here is an interesting exercise. Go to Google and search al Mu'min, click images, find one that is simple.

    Next, go to on of the online bible resources that has digitized scans of ancient new testament in Greek.
    Look at revelation 13 and what the mark is in the ancient Greek text.

    Funny similarity between the Arabic and Greek.

    Just saying.


