
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fatal Blow to Peace in Palestine

Of course common sense would tell you that for a fatal blow to peace has been caused by the Arabs in Gaza launching missiles into Israel by the thousands over the past 5 years.

But remember that common sense isn't readily available in the Middle East where Allah is king...and also common sense isn't readily available in the United Nations because they appear to be deluded by the Powers of this world.

So it really should come as no surprise that Israel seems to getting the finger pointed at them for dealing a 'fatal blow' to peace.

UNITED NATIONS — UN leader Ban Ki-moon warned Sunday that if Israel implemented its latest plan for new settlements it would deal an "almost fatal blow" to any prospects for peace with the Palestinians.

Israel's announcement about the 3,000 Jewish settler homes, whose planned location was not revealed, came in the wake of a historic vote by the United Nations General Assembly to upgrade Palestine's diplomatic status.

Israeli media reported that some of the new construction would be in E1, a highly contentious area of the West Bank that runs between the easternmost edge of annexed east Jerusalem and the Maaleh Adumim settlement.

Palestinians bitterly oppose the E1 project, as it would effectively cut the occupied West Bank in two, north to south, and make the creation of a viable Palestinian state even more problematic.

"It was with grave concern and disappointment that the secretary general learned of Israel's announcement of 3,000 new settlement units in east Jerusalem and other parts of the West Bank," a statement from Ban's spokesman said.

"This would include reported planning in the so-called E1 envelope, which risks completely cutting off east Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank," the statement said.

"Settlements are illegal under international law and, should the E1 settlement be constructed, it would represent an almost fatal blow to remaining chances of securing a two-state solution."

Ban's statement represented an unusually strong condemnation of Israeli settlement plans from the UN chief and followed a chorus of disapproval from the United States, Britain, France and the European Union.


Uh-oh....did you see who was added to the 'disapproval' list?  Yep....the good ol' USA.

I don't believe that the USA should just rubber stamp everything that Israel does but Israel has been very clear when they have told the Arabs to stop launching missiles from Gaza, acknowledge Israel's right to exist and get to the negotiating table once you get control of the Muslim horde.

The Arab leaders have NO INTENTION of doing that so they decided to appeal to the world to grant Palestine some additional rights in the United Nations.  In essence they did an 'end around' and left Israel in the lurch.

Israel has always told the Arabs that if they continue to push for nation status without including Israel in any talks, that Israel will go ahead and assume the Arabs DON'T WANT Israel will go ahead and continue building houses on contested land that Israel legally won in a defensive war they fought with the Arabs in 1967.

Israel is simply following through on what it has said all along.

For those of us that are parents, what happens if you threaten your children with consequences for poor behavior but when the kids disobey, you never follow through with the consequences?  Of course we all know you end up with spoiled brats who don't take you seriously...and end up creating even more poor behavior because of your lack of follow through.

Why can't the world understand this?  Why can't the world point the finger at the Arab world and tell THEM to fix the Palestinian problem that they created?

The world simply can't tolerate Jews...that's why. 

God chose the Jews and Satan, the Prince of this World, has been after them ever since.

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