
Monday, December 17, 2012

First Damascus, Then Tel Aviv

It should be no secret to Bible readers that the Muslim horde is getting ready to make another swipe at the Holy Land.

Of course, the Kum-ba-yah crowd will simply continue to insist that it's just a few 'extremists' within Islam that are ruining this "wonderful religion of peace".

I wonder how many leaders within Islam will need to publicly tell of their intentions to destroy Israel before the liberals will say, "Hey, I wonder if they are serious about wiping Israel off the map?"

The leader of the radical Salafist movement in Jordan, whose organization actively supports the Syrian rebels' efforts to topple President Bashar Assad's regime warned Sunday that once the Damascus opposition achieves its primary goal, it will set its sights on Israel.

The group's leader, Abed Shihadeh, who is also known as Abu Muhammad al-Tahawi, spoke at the funeral of a jihadist who committed a suicide attack in Amman last week.

"We tell Benjamin Netanyahu, the (Israeli) prime minister, get ready. The army of the Prophet Mohammad is coming your way."

Shihadeh added: "Those carrying explosives in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan will find you, Allah willing," he added. "The next fight is between us and you."

The jihadist leader further pledged to "Take over Damascus and then head to Tel Aviv… As far as we are concerned, Palestine stretches from river to sea, from Rafah to a-Nakura. We will not rest until Palestine is liberated."


Remember friends, we have said it MANY times but this battle can not be won with guns and bullets.  This is a spiritual battle and we need to pray for these lost souls in Islam.  Obviously the more convinced they are that Allah is supreme...the more lost they are.

Jesus was serious when he told us to pray for our enemies.

Of course the Kum-ba-yah crowd won't think to pray for these followers of Christ will need to redouble our efforts.

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