
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Israeli Isolation Really Builds Steam

We know that Israel will be standing all alone in the Last Days. 

Here is a liberal-media article (Slate) that has NOTHING to do with Bible prophecy and EVERYTHING to do with helping us understand how the world is turning on Israel.  Clearly they are starting to believe all the lies of the Arabs.

Again, can anyone tell me WHY the world needs another broken down, corrupt, poor, Muslim Arab state in the Middle East?  Why is this so important to the world?  Don't they realize that there ALREADY IS a two state solution?  On one side is Israel, the Jewish State...and on the other side is Jordan, the Arab state.

Get Real, Israel

Want to stop losing friends in the United Nations? Stop insulting our intelligence.

Four days ago, the United Nations General Assembly voted to accept Palestine as a non-member observer state. The vote was 138 to 9, with 41 abstentions. Israel tried to squelch the resolution, then tried to defeat it, then scoffed that the vote meant nothing, but punished the Palestinians anyway by announcing new settlements and withholding Palestinian tax revenue. Now even the United States is ticked off. How has Israel managed to lose the vote in a landslide and alienate its friends? By blowing its credibility on ludicrous complaints.
That’s where you failed. Not just because the Palestinians didn’t like your offer, but because 138 countries lost faith in you and voted for Palestinian statehood themselves. Granted, plenty of governments hate you just for being Jewish or Zionist. But to get to 138, with only 9 countries on your side, took real effort. How did you achieve this debacle? By continuing to build settlements, even as you bellyached about the “one-sided” U.N. resolution. And how did you thank the U.S. and the other eight countries that stood with you? By announcing yet more settlements after the vote, this time in a West Bank sector that would largely bisect a potential Palestinian state. What was that again about unilateralism?
Any honest look at Palestinian history will tell you two things. One, there’s been plenty of real incitement to violence against Israel. And two, this speech wasn’t part of it. While Hamas has championed violence, Abbas has steadily preached negotiation. “Our people cling to the right to defend themselves against aggression and occupation,” he told the General Assembly, but “they will continue their popular, peaceful resistance.” That’s a speech of incitement? Please.
I’m not here to defend Abbas or his U.N. address on every point. His account of Palestinian history was whitewashed. His portrayal of Israel was cartoonish. His description of what happened in Gaza was pathetically misleading. His failure to repudiate Hamas’ violence was gutless. Israel also has good reasons to demand, as part of any statehood agreement, security mechanisms and the renunciation of further Palestinian legal claims. But nobody hears any of that when Israel goes on building settlements and saying ridiculous things. All we hear is that you’re insulting our intelligence.

"The Arab states which had encouraged the Palestine Arabs to leave their homes temporarily in order to be out of the way of the Arab invasion armies, have failed to keep their promise to help these refugees."

-- The Jordanian daily newspaper Falastin, February 19, 1949.

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