
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Satan Worship and Sandy Hook

What would possess a 20 yr old man to walk into a grade school and shoot twenty little kids?

Maybe the key word there is 'possess'.

Adam Lanza’s reported devil worship a missing link that could help explain what motivated the Sandy Hook gunman to carry out the school house massacre?

Was Lanza part of a larger Satanic or ritualistic subculture locally or online in which he could have revealed his plans or could have even received support in preparing for the killings?

Although largely underreported, Satanic subculture and so-called devil worship has been a factor in numerous other mass killings, including the recent Batman shooting massacre.

Trevor L. Todd, a former classmate of Lanza’s, told media that Lanza worshiped the devil and had an Internet page dedicated to Satan.

Lanza’s worshiping page had the word “Devil” written in red, Gothic-style letters against a black background, stated Todd, the London Daily Mail reported.


If this is true, does it surprise you that the media hasn't jumped all over this?  Why would they want to bring up something like this when they have such a great opportunity to jump on the "ban guns" movement?

Sadly we have lots of folks who call themselves "Christians" who don't believe in the devil and/or hell.  Of course this is exactly what Satan wants.  That way he can move around any way and anywhere he wants...even in the very places that should be praying against him.


  1. Hmm... I doubt Satan worship had any direct influence in this incident. Adam Lanza was found dead with two pistols; the kids were shot with a rifle. There was a rifle in the trunk of the car that was said to be the one Lanza drove, but it was in the trunk when Lanza was found DEAD. In the videos, you can see the police apprehending someone else. You can also hear them run the plates on the vehicle that we're supposed to be the one Lanza drove. It is registered to Christopher A. Rodia, who was apprehended at the scene on camera, but whom the media is now ignoring...

    I'm sure the religion industry will continue to push the 'satanist whackjob' theory, though, and ignore FACTS.

    Not saying the devil isn't real; I'm saying you haven't got a clue as to how he works.

  2. Jesus gave us some clues about our enemy, the devil; John 8:44
    "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." Not sure the MSM is reporting anything on the Satan-worship side of things...but it sure seems that the eyewitnesses that survived said they saw Lanza. Of course I haven't a clue if it's all a set up or not. What I do know is that Satan is the Prince of the Earth and also that the entire world is under his control until Christ returns. I also expect that the world will continue to get worse and worse and that this country will ultimately collapse under the evil that has been unleashed. Until then we just keep preaching Christ and keep looking forward to the day of the rapture when He will come for all believers on earth. 1 Thessalonians 4-5
