
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Something Like a Huge Mountain

Have you guys noticed lots of talk about big asteroids in the news as of late?  Just in the past few weeks a rather large one came real close to the earth.

Of course, planet earth has been hit by some massive ones in the not distant past.  In the early 20th century in Siberia, Russia, and asteroid slammed into the forest with the power of a nuclear weapon and leveled thousands of acres of trees.

Few people lived in that area and it was so remote that it took quite some time to even figure out what had happened.

Scientists tell us that a massive one hit in Mexico some eons ago and wiped out half the planet.

Revelation 8:8
"The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze was thrown into the sea.  A third of the sea turned into blood, a third of all living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed."

Huh....sure sounds like a meteor to me.

Now today on the front page of Google News we have this article.

Is the Earth in imminent danger from an asteroid collision? Some doomsday prophecies suggest as much, and scientists don't entirely disagree even as they remind us of the infrequency of such events (on the order of millennia) and the long odds against an impact of sufficient magnitude to imperil life on Earth. So while the threat is not zero, it's also a remote one that pales before human-caused existential threats such as those posed by cascading climate change or the prospect of thermonuclear war.

NASA surveys indicate that there are about 5000 potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs) in near-earth orbit. By comparison, it's estimated that there are around 25,000 nuclear warheads on the planet. We can't say for certain how many of these it would take to annihilate life on Earth altogether; scenarios that factor in not only blast damage but also radiation and the prospect of a "nuclear winter" (in which the sun is blotted out for years or more) suggest that the number is fewer than we might like to contemplate.


Since it appears that an asteroid WILL hit the earth during The Tribulation, it would only make sense that we will see the foreshadowing of this event start to be seen now...BEFORE the actual event happens in The Tribulation.

So if you haven't noticed the increase in talk about asteroids...check it out.

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