
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Syrian Rebels Say Chemical Weapons Used

We continue to watch Damascus go up in heaps.

We also continue to watch the chatter on Chemical Weapons. WMD.

Also please remember that Obama has said that if the Syrian Gov't were to use chemicals...that would be the 'red line' as far as Obama is concerned.

A day after reports surfaced of a mysterious gas being used by the Syrian regime, rebels are claiming it was not the first time chemical weapons were employed by Assad's army.

"The opposition recorded 18 separate cases of chemical weapons attacks in the outskirts of Damascus, idlib, Homs and Hama," said Free Syrian Army official Louai Muqdad.

In an interview with the London-based al-Sharq al-Awsat, he noted that the gases used in Homs were used there for the first time but did not provide proof for his claims. On Monday, opposition elements reported that seven people were killed from gas inhalation in Homs.

 Al-Jazeera reported that dozens were hurt in the EL Biadia neighborhood. According to the reports, the victims suffered from nausea, muscle laxity, blurry vision and shortness of breath.


The plot thickens.

Of course, you and I have NO IDEA what is really happening in the Pentagon.  We mostly have to rely on media reports...and who knows what the real truth is.

But if this is confirmed....I wonder if Obama will come out and say, " chemicals were used.  But you better quit doing that now...and I REALLY mean it this time!"

I know one thing for sure....if you are going to make better dang well be prepared to follow them up immediately.

Every good parent knows that.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Did you see that the Russian news is reporting Russian Naval exercises in the Med and gulf? Regarding your post on Syria Jpost is reporting that IDF contingency plans may have to be activated soon. This would be a game changer.
