
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Violent Video Games

For us Bible readers who know that the Last Days will be filled with violence...none of what we are seeing should surprise us.  Horrify us?....yes.  But surprise us?

So what causes the violence?  Lots of things.  Do guns CAUSE violence.  No.  They can't pull their own trigger anymore than a knife can stab someone all on it's own.

Please watch this video clip from the MOST POPULAR VIDEO GAME IN AMERICA.  This game is played by hundreds of thousands of young males...many of them in grade school.

Watch as they rack up points butchering civilians in an airport using automatic weapons.

Imagine your 8 year old grandson "playing" this game in the darkness of his bedroom while mom and dad are doing something else.


Why isn't the media outraged by this?  Why aren't they outraged by violent porn or violent movies?  Why aren't they screaming to make sure these games don't fall into the hands of anyone under that age of 18?

Good questions.  Why are liberals so incensed about guns....but not appalled at this video game?

Why are liberals so bothered by 20 innocent children killed by a psycho with a gun....but don't seem to be bothered by the 11,000 Americans killed each year by drunk drivers?

Why doesn't the media put up pictures of all the little kids who died yesterday at the hands of drunk drivers?

Is the death of little kids by a drunk driver somehow more TOLERABLE than the death of little kids by guns?

1 comment:

  1. Ran Across this article the other day and I've been sharing it with some folks at work.

    Same general idea - but backed up with some very interesting statistics - and still no one pays attention.
