
Saturday, December 8, 2012

"Voices" Told Him to Do It

Remember the story from a few days ago about the dude who pushed the other dude onto the subway tracks in NYC?  The man ended up dying on the tracks.

Why would you do such a thing?....because the voices told him to do it.

Subway ‘Pusher’ Heard Voices
The homeless man who turned himself in after the death of Queens resident Ki Suk Han, who was struck and killed by a subway train—and featured on the cover of Tuesday's New York Post in a shot taken seconds before he died—has flipped his story. He now claims he pushed Han, although he didn't intend to shove him to the tracks. The man, who was under the influence of marijuana at the time, claims to have heard a voice tell him just prior to the incident, "He's coming again. You got to do something." The man has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder but was not taking medication.


Friends, are you connecting some dots here? 

Why did the woman drive her car into the river killing her kids strapped into the back seat?  SHE HEARD VOICES.

Why did the woman kill her baby and make him into soup?  SHE HEARD VOICES.

Why did the teenager take all those drugs and try to kill himself?  HE HEARD VOICES.

What do thousands of people report when they take the new synthetic drug called "bath salts"?  THEY HEAR VOICES.

Who is it that whispers in these people's ears telling them to do the most ungodly of things?

OK...all together now...let's say it......SATAN!


  1. You have a serious misunderstanding of mental disorders.

  2. Blessed is he that answers to the Lord God, Satan is out there trying its hardest to prevent the transition of GODS PEOPLE TO GODS LAND Amen

  3. Hi there,

    Along this line of thinking...

    Mother found guilty of beating son to death for failing to learn the Koran

    What a mess.



  4. Hi Anonymous #1,
    I believe you may have a serious misunderstanding of what the Bible says about "Our enemy, the devil." If you read it and believed it, you may come to some different conclusions about WHO causes mental disorders.
