
Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Rampant and Growing Madness

Have you noticed the world around us seems to be going insane? 

I just got done reading an article in the Mpls-St. Paul newspaper about a severely disabled woman (mental capacity of a 4-5 yr old) whose guardian would drop her off at a hotel where men would line up to screw her!  She got pregnant and of course had no idea how, why or who.  It appears the guardian of the woman was getting paid somehow, by some dude named Muhammad, who was collecting the money from the men standing in line.

Can you imagine? 

Stories like this are happening every day...and they seem to be growing in frequency and severity.

Of course things like this have happened since men populated the earth.  But friends, this is America.  This is supposed to be the shining light on the hill...a place where Christian values are the norm and stories like the one I just read repulse that they seldom happen here.

Not any more.  Biblical beliefs have exited this wisdom and common sense have followed....and they are being replaced with violence, perversion and debauchery.  Our society seems to be going blind.

What’s going on? There is a creeping irrationality that’s becoming a new norm. It is seen in politics, education, religion and a society gone wild in commercialized frenzy. Remember the last “Black Friday,” with legions of crazed zealots charging their local shopping malls in search of cheap possessions? Christians often comment that the old stability – commonly known as “common sense” – has all but disappeared.

One is reminded of the poet Robert Frost who, many years ago, commented upon the societies of the World War I and II era. He said, “A civilized society is one which tolerates eccentricity to the point of doubtful sanity.” Truly, we have become civilized, in the secular sense of that word.

A first-grade boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; grade-schoolers expelled for bringing aspirin for headaches, or mouthwash to use after lunch. Yet in middle-school, there have been cases in which pregnant teenagers were denied the right to notify their parents, when counseled to have an abortion.

At every level of society, lying, prevarication, deception and mendacity have become acceptable behavior. Politicians do it routinely. The new rule: It’s okay to lie. Today, even the “good guys” lie. Of course, politicians have lied for decades – for centuries. But there’s something a little different now. They actually think they’re telling the truth. And they really seem to believe that spending trillions of dollars will somehow put more money into the public coffers! Insane!

Intelligence and intellectual discipline has been distilled into a never-ending barrage of new electronics: Tablets, phones, gaming and texting are the new measure of culture. True education is no longer needed – you can look it up. In his hot hand, a third-grader has as many electronic facts at his fingertips as a college professor, and he knows it.

Respect for social discipline has almost disappeared. Worst of all, society is breaking down into tribal territories and well-guarded boundaries.

The result: Gang warfare, drug wars and a hard-rock mentality have permeated the new generations, producing social instability … or worse. Drive-by shooting or mass murders by crazed gunmen are now almost a common phenomenon. Society has become crazed … ragingly insane.

Public life has, itself, become a parade of insanity. Think of the last few elections. Both nationally and locally, they increasingly seem to be dominated by money and demagoguery – emotional speech without a thread of logic. Think back; have you recently heard a public figure make a statement that you found simply insane? Where is the voice of logic and rational ideas? To argue from fact is to be found lacking in compassion.

Raging criticism among political factions has reached an uncivilized level. Radical Islam is promoted as a “religion of peace,” even as it assaults Judaism and Christianity at every level. It rejects the stability demonstrated in the constitutional democracy that brought Western civilization to the highest levels of achievement in history.

Increasingly, the godless ones scheme to save the world through the application of various social programs that will reshape society through a global bureaucracy. To apply more of the strategies that caused the initial problem is simply insane. And almost two thousand years ago, Paul accurately predicted it.

I would strongly recommend you go and read the entire article here;

My mind goes to the parable of the 10 virgins that Jesus told.  As the women were waiting for the bridegroom (Jesus) to come....some of the women ran out of oil.  When the call went out (shout from Heaven from the archangel at the rapture?) the woman weren't ready.  They had fallen asleep.

Friends, we all need to make a concerted effort to stay awake at this time....or we will end up being overrun by these insane stories of political malfeasance, perversion, violence, and mayhem.

If ever there was a time to commit to daily Bible reading and to meditate on the word of is that time.  Let's all encourage each other to keep the oil in our lamps burning brightly until the Master returns....and not let our lights be extinguished by the flood that is coming.

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