
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"Alien Space Cathedral" Revealed in New Mexico

Remember, new readers, the articles we post about are not always factual.  Many times they are simply headlines that we have come across that are interesting in light of the times we are in.

For instance, we don't KNOW that Bigfoot is real....but we may still post an article about a scientist who is convinced that Bigfoot is real.

Today we have this ALIEN headline and it's interesting because Scientology has been in the news a lot as of late with Tom Cruise being one of its big devotees.  The other reason it is interesting is because it is talking about 'aliens' coming back to earth.

We believe that if  'aliens' do come back, they aren't aliens at all...but really fallen angels and/or strange flesh that was first spoken of in Genesis 6.

Today we are at a point on planet earth where millions of folks have NO PROBLEM believing in Aliens traveling from light years away to rescue us...but they have a BIG PROBLEM believing in God who created all things for a purpose.

Funny how that works.

Scientology 'Alien Space Cathedral' Reportedly Revealed In New Mexico

In the New Mexico desert lies an allegedly secret Scientology installation that includes a huge message for extraterrestrials -- a crop circle-type design that can only easily be seen from high above the ground.

That's among the allegations set forth by BBC Panorama reporter John Sweeney in a new book, "Church of Fear: Inside the Weird World of Scientology," reports the New York Daily News.

The controversial Church of Scientology -- which boasts celebrity members Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley and Juliette Lewis -- was founded in 1952 by writer L. Ron Hubbard, and promotes the concept that humans are immortal beings with reincarnated souls.

In his book, excerpted in The Sun, Sweeney writes that the two huge interlocking circles -- each of which has a large diamond shape inside -- were created as markers to guide special Scientologists "returning from space to find Mr. Hubbard's works after a nuclear Armageddon wipes out humanity."


If you haven't plugged in yet to the crop circle may want to check out some of the photos that are at the bottom of the linked article.  We believe those crop writings/designs are also part of the BIG LIE that is coming for planet earth...cooked up by the Prince of the Powers of the Air (aka Satan)

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