
Friday, January 18, 2013

Anxiety is Building All Over the World

In your conversations with those around you, can you sense that MANY folks know there is something big going on? 

Can you sense that while many can't put their finger on EXACTLY what it is...many just understand that many big events are simply out of our control to do anything about them...and that causes anxiety and fear.

Anxiety is building in this nation and for that matter, all over the world.
Fear grips the average human being as they see events that they have no
control over. It doesn’t matter if it’s in Greece, Spain, Portugal in the EU
or right here in the USA. Men are fearful. They know that this is an
unprecedented time of turmoil and signs of impending doom.

Men are behaving like animals and evil grows exponentially as we grow closer and closer to the end of this age -- as we witness crimes of unspeakable horror as in the
recent news coverage of the rampage of demonic possessed individuals who have
executed the innocent in schools, theaters, and shopping malls. The culture
has gone mad.
The “powers that be” look for a culprit to blame. They blame guns, they blame
the social haters, and they blame those that hold onto those guns and their
religion─Christian conservatives. They wish to infringe on our
Constitutionally given rights that were written by men who feared God, and
knew that any government, even theirs that they were forming could become
It’s an exciting time to be alive, but anxiety producing for those who don’t
have a firm foundation on where their strength lies. I have brothers and
sisters who email me with searching questions on how to prepare for what is
coming. I am a firm believer and have always been that God allows nothing to
come against His chosen children─the church─a people taken for His name,
unless it is for their benefit and their spiritual maturity. I have also come
to believe that God is not interested in our comfort, but in our being ready
to reign and rule with Jesus Christ for a 1000 years, and then on into eternity.
When the cares of this life seem to weigh in on any of us, and I’m not
immune, I counsel my congregation to look to the Bible for their strength
and their foundation of coping. I have been telling each of them that when
things get rough around your community, your town or your state, then it is
a time to grab onto the promises of God and remind Him of those promises.
Oh, He knows what He promised, but He wants to hear that you believe that He
will do what He said.
Friends, it IS an exciting time to be alive!! 
Do we KNOW what is going to happen in the immediate future to this country or to any other nation??
Do we, who know Jesus, KNOW what is going to happen with our eternal souls?
As the world gets more anxious and fearful, OUR JOY NEEDS TO SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A CITY ON THE HILL!
The harvest is at hand people!  Let's use the fear and anxiety that is building all around us for the Glory of God!  WE HAVE THE GOOD NEWS THAT THE WORLD IS DYING TO HEAR!

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