
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

California "Back from the Abyss"

We have posted about California and their problems MANY times...most recently on the EPIC COLD SNAP they had.

Today we found an article that seems to be full of GOOD NEWS for the Golden State.

California has been Exhibit A for the fiscal upheaval that has rocked states throughout the recession. Year after year, California officials reported bigger and bigger deficits and sought to respond with spending cuts that left the state reeling.

So it was something of a moment when a jaunty Gov. Jerry Brown strode before cameras here on Thursday to present his budget for 2013-14.

“The deficit is gone,” Mr. Brown proclaimed, standing in front of an array of that-was-then and this-is-now charts that illustrated what he said were dramatic changes in California’s fortunes.

“For the next four years we are talking about a balanced budget,” he said. “We are talking about living within our means. This is new. This is a breakthrough.”

Mr. Brown was not just talking about a balanced budget. He projected that the state would begin posting surpluses starting next year, leading to a projected surplus of $21.5 million by 2014, a dramatic turnaround from the deficit of $26 billion — billion, not million — he faced when he was elected in 2010.

Now, Mr. Brown said, he wanted the nation to look to California, and to his example. He promised a combination of “fiscal discipline and imaginative investment” to complete the state’s restoration.

“I would like to do something that would make California a leader and an example of what America has to do,” he said.


OK....I hope Gov. Brown is NOT SMOKING MEDICINAL MARIJUANA....and that CA has not only come back from the dead, but is actually so full of life that the rest of America can copy them and also come back from the financial abyss!

That would be awesome!

Sorry to be the spoiler...but I'm not buying it.

"Pride comes before the fall," warns the Bible...and when 'jaunty Gov. Brown STRODE before the cameras...' and then announces that CA has it SO FIGURED OUT that the rest of the nation should come see CA so we can all watch and simply doesn't add up.

In this paragraph, Gov. Brown even seems to be rebuking me (I'm kidding) for all the false accusations I posted about their problems.  "Mr. Brown, in presenting his budget, suggested that the turnaround should be a rebuke to “a couple of characters” who have “written off California as a failed state,” a reference to conservative commentators who have, for a year, questioned the state’s economic policies and its very future."

Please remember what Christ said when asked about what the condition on planet earth would be when He returns for His bride...he said that life would pretty much be "normal" with people marrying and giving in marriage,(making long term plans) eating and drinking and basically TOTALLY CLUELESS until the flood came and took them away.

In the same way, while America MIGHT COLLAPSE INTO ANARCHY before Christ also might be that the MAD SCIENTISTS who are cooking our global money system/Ponzi scheme...may be allowed to cast their spells a while longer so that EVERYONE starts saying "peace and safety"...and thereby leading many to believe that EVERYTHING IS FINE!

To come to that conclusion while ignoring Israel, drought, famine, war, rise of Islam, record heat, record cold, men being lovers of violence, etc....would hardly be advised.

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