
Saturday, January 12, 2013

France at War

Who knew that the peaceful, pacifist French were fighting in the African nation of Mali?

Guess who they are fighting?  Yep!....ANGRY MUSLIMS!

Mali war escalates as French battle Islamist militants

With Islamist militants controlling more than half of the northwest African nation of Mali and threatening the rest of government-held territory, France launched airstrikes in a dramatic escalation of the conflict that some observers have called the next Afghanistan. French commandoes also reportedly attacked an Islamist base in Somalia to try to rescue a French hostage.

The raid early Saturday in Somalia could have been aimed at preventing al-Shabab fighters from harming the kidnapped French security official in reprisal for the French military intervention in Mali. A Somali intelligence official, who insisted on anonymity because he was not allowed to discuss the case with the news media, said the raid in Bulomarer killed "several" al-Shabab fighters but he had no information on the hostage.

An al-Shabab official confirmed the fighting and said the group held one dead French soldier. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press.

French President Francois Hollande said the "terrorist groups, drug traffickers and extremists" in northern Mali "show a brutality that threatens us all." He vowed that the operation would last "as long as necessary."

France said it was taking the action in Mali at the request of President Dioncounda Traore, who declared a state of emergency because of the militants' advance.

The arrival of the French troops in their former colony came a day after the Islamists moved the closest yet toward territory still under government control and fought the Malian military for the first time in months, seizing the strategic city of Konna.

Read more:

Wow!  Please, please, please notice that even the LIBERAL FRENCH PRESIDENT has said that these crazy Muslims are showing a "brutality that threatens us all." 

Wait a second....isn't that what Israel always says? 

The article also goes on to say that Mali could be the next Afghanistan.

Let's think about this for a second.  The Western nations of the world are on the brink of financial disaster.  They have all borrowed money from each other and America borrowed 100% of the money to run our entire government and our entire military last year.  You can bet the French are doing the same.

We borrowed all the money to fight a 10+ year war in Afghanistan...and you can bet that France is going to borrow all the money to fight in Mali.

Who is everyone in The West fighting?...hell-bent Muslims who will NEVER STOP trying to drag us all into the pit of Sharia Law and the worship of Allah!!  Satan has inspired an entire religion of Islam which now has over 1 billion followers and is birthing children like rabbits.

The West is going to bankrupt itself trying to hold back millions of Muslims with rifles who shock the world by throwing acid on women, screwing little boys for sport, tearing men into quarters for teaching women to read, screwing goats and sheep in Afghanistan, packing babies full of explosives and detonating them in crowded markets....and that's just the tip of the Satanically inspired actions these folks do.

Friends, I realize it is easy to read these articles and start hating Muslims.  DON'T DO IT!!  That is EXACTLY what Satan wants us to do.  He knows that hatred is the potion he can work with.

Instead, do what Christ said and pray for our enemies.  Pray that they would come to know Christ through the dreams and visions that have already saved millions of Muslims from the pits of hell.

So let's tell the truth....ISLAM IS SATANICALLY INSPIRED and ALLAH IS NOT GOD!...but at the same time let's also be humble about it and remember that we too were born destined for the pits of hell...UNTIL CHRIST SAVED US!!  You had nothing to do with your salvation but the Father in heaven through Jesus Christ did it ALL!

We didn't do it by our own power...and these Muslims WILL NOT be able to do it by their own pray that the power of the Holy Spirit will rain down on them!!

Fighting Muslims with guns and bombs will NEVER work.  Satan can only be defeated using prayer and scripture.

Finally, one more side note...please remember that France has had over 1500 mosques built over the past decade and is literally being overrun by Muslims.  Many of the neighborhoods in France are already experiencing Muslim problems.  If the Nation of France starts fighting Muslims may start the Muslims rioting at home...and the unrest could REALLY bankrupt that nation in a hurry.

What percentage of the French do you suppose have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?

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