
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Kissinger Predicts Nuclear War With Iran

Deep down we know that SOMEONE will use nukes again...eventually.

Do we have any doubts in our mind that a Muslim terrorist group like Al Qaida would use them?

So what if a Muslim terrorist group takes over a nation and gets control of the nukes?

All the big wigs of planet earth have been in Davos, Switzerland for the annual global conference on what needs to be done.

Heny Kissinger had some interesting things to say.

Speaking at the one-worlder confab held in Davos, Switzerland, Kissinger said a crisis involving a nuclear Iran in the “foreseeable future” will lead to a nuclear war and “a turning point in human history,” the BBC reports.

“There has emerged in the region, the current and most urgent issue of nuclear proliferation. For 15 years, the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have declared that a nuclear Iran is unacceptable, but it has been approaching,” Kissinger said.

He then said governments will “come to a determination of how to react, or the consequences of non-reaction… [in] a few years.”

Under the terms of the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran has the right to produce nuclear power for peaceful purposes. The United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency has found no evidence Iran is developing a nuclear weapons program and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told Face the Nation earlier this month that Iran is not currently building a nuclear weapon.

See it here;

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