
Monday, January 21, 2013

Praying for the President

As most of you know, President Obama will be sworn in today...for the 2nd time.

Yes, he is going to place his hand on the Bible and I have heard it is Martin Luther King's Bible...which would be timely since today is MLK Day.

Over the past 4 years I have heard many Christian folks comment how difficult it is to PRAY FOR OBAMA....especially because many are so convinced that he is a leader who is taking America down the drain.

Today I found an answer in Charles Stanley's devotional that lists 10 things to talk to God about as you are praying for President Obama...or any President.

1 Timothy 2:1-5

2 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,
1) Realize he has been given that position by either God's choice or His permissive will.
2) Recognize his personal inadequacy for the task and look to God for the wisdom, knowledge and courage to succeed.
3) Restore dignity, honor, trustworthiness, and righteousness to the presidency.
4)  Readily forsake his political career and his personal ambitions if doing so would be in the best interest of the country.
5)  Reverse the destructive trends of atheism and humanism that try to dethrone God, deify man, and lead to an ungodly society.
6)  Respects and obey the Constitution--the protector of our freedoms.
7)  Reject all counsel that weakens our defenses against aggressors or endorses agreements that would do so in the future.
8)  Refuse to promote a way of life in which citizens become increasingly dependent on the government for their needs.
9)  Remember that he is accountable to Almighty God for his attitudes, motive, behaviors, and decisions.
10)  Resolve to help the nation again become a place of creativity, security, national pride, and individual prosperity, where God is recognized as the Source of all our blessings.
So today is the inauguration, but tomorrow is going to be the ceremony at the National Cathedral where prayers will be offered.  Check out this site for the National Cathedral which proclaims in LARGE LETTERS to be "THE SPIRITUAL HOME FOR THE NATION".
"Washington National Cathedral is called to serve as the spiritual home for the nation. The Cathedral is a national treasure and an architectural feat, a place of stunning beauty built to inspire. Inside, artwork and exhibits tell the American story of faith. Outside, you can explore gardens and grounds shared with three outstanding schools—or peer with gargoyles from the city’s highest point.

This is a place for spiritual enrichment above all, whether you come here for worship, a concert, a pilgrimage, or an insightful program. It is a place open to all.

It is open to you."

So tomorrow is that "spiritual" day...a BIG DAY for America.

Coincidentally tomorrow is the 40th Anniversary of the day when the Supreme Court of America decided IN FAVOR of abortion (Roe vs. Wade) and opened the door to legalizing the murder of 53,000,000 (and counting) innocent little babies.

Also tomorrow is the day when national elections are being held in Israel.  It is being said that Israel will elect the most conservative political leaders in their history and that this move will isolate them even more from the rest of the world.

So there are LOTS OF THINGS to pray about tomorrow...but PLEASE, PLEASE pray for these 10 things as you pray for President Obama.

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying,


    Peas in a pod.


