
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Cashless Society Presses On

We know the day is coming when folks on earth will need the MARK OF THE BEAST in order to buy or sell anything.  Anyone who takes this mark will forever forfeit any chance of gaining eternal life in the Kingdom.

So...that will pretty much do away with cash being used to buy or sell.  It will be a cashless society.

RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) — Futurists have long proclaimed the coming of a cashless society, where dollar bills and plastic cards are replaced by fingerprint and retina scanners smart enough to distinguish a living, breathing account holder from an identity thief.

What they probably didn't see coming was that one such technology would make its debut not in Silicon Valley or MIT but at a small state college in remote western South Dakota, 25 miles from Mount Rushmore.

Researchers figure their technology would provide a critical safeguard against a morbid scenario sometimes found in spy movies in which a thief removes someone else's finger to fool the scanner.

On a recent Friday, mechanical engineering major Bernard Keeler handed a Red Bull to a cashier in the Miner's Shack campus shop, typed his birthdate into a pay pad and swiped his finger. Within seconds, the machine had identified his print and checked that blood was pulsing beneath it, allowing him to make the buy. Afterward, Keeler proudly showed off the receipt he was sent via email on his smartphone.

"I said, if it flies here in the conservative Midwest, it's going to go anywhere," Maas said.


Think about it...It's going to go anywhere?

Want to know the best way to avoid this coming situation?

Put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ and claim Him as the only name given under heaven to save men.

Once you have done will not need to endure the coming Tribulation...a time so terrible that Jesus himself said that if He didn't cut those days short by His return to earth, that NO FLESH would survive.


Even so, Come Lord Jesus!


  1. I have been using a finger scanner to pay for my school lunch every day here in Korea. Works great, because you never leave your finger at home! Also, every time we travel through the airport, we get two fingers scanned.

  2. Isn't that amazing? No doubt we are the FIRST GENERATION to have the technology available to us to make the book of Revelation a reality. 50 years ago people could simply not comprehend how "taking a mark" could get you into the financial system OR how there could ever be a global financial systerm. Now $000 flies around the globe at the speed of light...all just little zeroes!! Hope you are well. We sure miss you guys. I hope to see Dave and Kelly in the next few weeks.
