
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lightning Strikes Vatican

The CBS Morning News must have felt it was newsworthy enough to  show photos and talk about it during a segment....the Vatican was struck by a lightning bolt within hours of the Pope resigning.

Charlie Rose even asked an Archbishop if he thought that was some type of "sign".  And the Archbishop, instead of just smiling, went on to say that he DID think it was a sign from God that the Catholic church was supposed to go on with the choosing of the next Pope.

Of course what makes it all rather eerie is the Prophecy of the Popes that we blogged about yesterday.

Maybe it is a sign?...a sign that the next Pope will be the False Prophet spoken of in Revelation?

A sign from above? Lightning strikes Vatican hours after Pope's shock resignation

The lightning touched the roof of St. Peter's Basilica, one of the holiest Catholic churches, hours after Benedict XVI's shock announcement

See photos here;

I'm sure it was all just another coincidence.  God would never use signs from nature to give us any warnings.  This is the 21st Century!  We KNOW that all these things have scientific reasons behind them and that the archaic belief that earthquakes, famines, floods and storms were sent by God as signs, have no basis in reality. (extreme sarcasm alert)


  1. Cool post,

    reminds me of the tornado that knocked the cross off the steeple of Central Lutheran Church when they had the vote for gay clergy.



  2. Yes exactly what I thought. Also the freak hailstorm that dropped baseball hail on a sunny day on the Presbyterians in St Louis Park MN when they were also voting on gay clergy. I happened to be driving by St Louis Park the night it happened and one caller to the radio said he had never seen anything like rain, just large hail and the sun was shining in the distance. But Tom, it just HAS to be a coincidence. :)

  3. I think the lightening stike was definately "a sign". Maybe it was the Lord getting our attention, saying something like "heads up, this is significant!"

    Does anyone remember the "pale horse" caught on film on live tv when Egypt was fighting for "freedom"? Well we know they didnt get freedom, they are now under a terrorist government. I know many think it was a hoax, but I don't. I really think it was the pale horse. I am curious what are your thoughts on this?

  4. Hi Tammy,
    God is going to do amazing things in the Last Days. The people who are already awake will start to connect the dots in these events, some people WILL wake up and come to Christ...but most will continue to refuse to REPENT no matter how many strange things happen and no matter how fearful the days get. Witness the huge meteor explosion over Russia (Magog?) Another coincidence?...or foreshadowing of Ezekiel 38-39? I do remember the pale horse seen in Egypt...and I am reminded of the story of Elisha and his servant who were protected by the armies of God...and ONLY he and his servant could see them riding their fiery horses and protecting Elisha.
