
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Man Quits Job Over Number 666

The Bible tells us that a day is coming for planet earth when everyone will have to choose....either take the Mark of the Beast (666) or you won't be able to buy or sell anything.

Of course we also know that you won't accidentally make that choice.  It will be something VERY clear when you are given the choice to have the mark stamped on your forehead or arm.  And of course if you do agree to take the mark, the Bible is clear that your name WILL NOT be in the Lamb's book of life.

But this dude from Tennessee didn't get the memo that we are NOT in The Great Tribulation yet.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A Tennessee maintenance worker says he quit his job because his W-2 tax form was stamped with the number 666.

Walter Slonopas told The Tennessean ( ) that accepting the number would have condemned his soul to hell. That number is considered the "mark of the beast" in the Bible's Book of Revelation describing the apocalypse.

The company that handles payroll for Contech Casting LLC says the number meant Slonopas' form was the 666th one mailed out.

The 52-year-old Slonopas says he had trouble with the number before. He was supposed to be assigned No. 668 to use when he clocked in. Because of a mix-up, he was assigned 666. He complained and got a new number.

A company spokesman says Contech would send a new W-2 and wants to rehire Slonopas. But Slonopas says "God is worth more than money."


No doubt, folks from all walks of life are getting jumpy about this whole LAST DAYS chatter that is going around.  With the History Channel showing shows like DOOMSDAY PREPPERS and ALIEN INVASION...when people don't know their Bibles, they can get rattled.

Of course we are not supposed to have a spirit of fear, but rather a Spirit of confidence and joy...because Jesus has marked us for salvation and NOTHING can snatch us out of his hand.

Also, I'm hanging onto a lot of hope that WE WILL NOT BE HERE to witness the Mark of the Beast being handed out.  I'm VERY hopeful that we will be hanging out with Jesus in our new mansions while the 70th Week of Daniel plays out here on earth.

Even so, come Lord Jesus.

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