
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

North Korea Nuke Test is "Imminent"

What is up with the Gopher-in-a-Pantsuit's son....Kim Jong Un? 

Why does he want to keep exploding nukes even though the world doesn't want him to?

Who is going to stop him?

And most importantly, how could the North Koreans NOT LIKE OBAMA?  Didn't they read his 'reset button' speech where he promised to lead from behind and not be so pushy as other previous presidents?

The North says the "higher level" test is part of its military deterrent in its confrontation with the United States, which it describes as "the sworn enemy of the Korean people."

Its declaration that it would carry out the test came just two days after the United Nations Security Council voted in favor of imposing broader sanctions on the regime in response to Pyongyang's long-range rocket launch in December that was widely viewed as a test of ballistic missile technology.

Kim Jong Un appears likely to shrug off pressure from most of the international community, including North Korea's main ally, China, and go ahead with a third test.
"Neither the prospect of stronger sanctions, nor the growing discontent of Russia and China with his behavior, appears to deter North Korea's young leader," George Lopez, professor of peace studies at the Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame, wrote in an opinion article this week for CNN.
Under the North's power-driven ideology of songun, or "military first," the punishment meted out last month by the U.N. Security Council requires a strong response, according to Daniel Pinkston, senior analyst for the International Crisis Group covering Northeast Asia.
North Korea "sees international law, international institutions, collective security, arms control and any other cooperative arrangement as undesirable and as schemes to undermine their national security," Pinkston said in a recent blog post.
A new test will also give North Korea a chance to underscore advances in its nuclear program, potentially moving it closer to a nuclear weapon that it can mount on a long-range missile.
Nuclear weapons on a long-range missile??....that sounds dangerous!!
"George Lopez, professor of peace studies at the Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame"...that sounds funny!!
Now read about this video that North Korea released showing New York in rubble while the hit song, "We Are the World" plays in the background.
North Korea, already gearing up for yet another nuclear test, has posted a bizarre online video depicting New York under an apparent missile attack with "We Are the World" serving as a soundtrack.

The three-minute video posted on YouTube on Saturday was released by Uriminzokkiri, which distributes news and propaganda from North Korea’s state-run media. It features a young man in a dream sequence in which he sees himself aboard a North Korean space shuttle launched into orbit by the same type of rocket Pyongyang successfully launched in December. A densely populated city, which is shrouded in a U.S. flag, is then depicted to the tune of “We Are the World,” the charity single recorded in 1985.
People will ask, "How could North Korea be so dumb?  Don't they realize that they need to be part of the global community in order to thrive and prosper?"
Of course not.  Their leaders have been given over to Satan.  How else can you explain the bizarre behavior, the hatred towards Christians and the lethal electric fence surrounding their country?
Their own people are eating each other as they continue to starve to death....while their leaders plan nuclear explosions and make videos about attacking New York.
And who is going to stop them? 
America is broke and certainly can not afford too many more foreign adventures.  Plus our people are kind of at the point where we are sick of war and using threats of violence to convince other nations to agree with us.
Can't we all just join hands and sing, "All we are give peace a chance!"?  (Please remember to sway back and forth while singing)
The world is CERTAINLY looking for, and certainly needs, a Man Of Peace to come riding in on a white horse and sign some peace agreements!!
I'm guessing when the Antichrist shows up...the world will welcome him just like the Bible says.

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