
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Race Against Race

Jesus tells us in Matthew 24 that kingdom will rise against kingdom (nation against nation) and that nation will rise against nation. (race against race)

Are you aware of the serious problems that the black community is having?  70% of the black babies born in America last year have no father in their lives.

What happens to boys raised without fathers?  They have a huge chance of ending up in jail and living lives filled with violence.

Have you seen all the shootings in Chicago?  How many of them have involved black shooters?  Almost 100% have been black victims shot by black shooters.

Can you see an explosion coming when food prices rise and food stamp benefits don't?

Check out this mob beating in NYC and understand that in the Last Days men will be lovers of violence.  Watch how willing complete strangers are to join in the beating.

See it here;

So what happens when a race makes up a small percentage of the population but ends up committing the vast majority of the crimes?  Can you say anything?  Or if you did would you be called a racist?

It is simply getting harder to argue the fact that the black community of America is seething and simmering.

One commentator suggested that “Race has nothing to do with it.” While another, Mary Stokes, said white people have their criminal problems too:

“My skin is the same color as the fertile earth, a better thing to have than skin the color of bloody spit which is good for absolutely NOTHING, albinoid. Now tell me how the hell are their (sic) ANY whites on welfare, in prisons, in jails, homeless on the street begging for money and food, rummaging through garbage for food, shooting up their spawn in classrooms, in movie theaters, why are white males the ONLY males in America that go into places of worship and kill people with guns and bombs???

“Why are whites the only group in North America that created a promotional group for those who want to commit child molestation (aka NAMBLA)? All in a country that was TAILOR MADE for Whites MAXIMAL Development and Success at the expense of others and with a 200 hundred year head start over Blacks and Native Americans. When you have some REAL answers for why whites are like that, then you can pretend to ‘teach’ me about blacks or anyone else, you stupid pale freak of nature.”

Wow!  That really sounds like she is seething....

A 2007 special report released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, reveals that approximately 8,000 — and, in certain years, as many as 9,000 African Americans are murdered annually in the United States. This chilling figure is accompanied by another equally sobering fact, that 93% of these murders are in fact perpetrated by other blacks. The analysis, supported by FBI records, finds that in 2005 alone, for example, African Americans accounted for 49% of all homicide victims in the US — again, almost exclusively at the hands of other African Americans.

"The vast majority. Well outside the 40 percent of the population it should be. In 2009, the City of Cincinnati did not have a single white victim of a homicide. (That) tells me that we have a subset in the underclass of Cincinnati which is committing a lot of violent crime and they tend to be black. And the reality is, you almost always commit murder within your racial classifications. So when we’ve got a young black man up in the coroners office, it’s almost always a result of another young black man shooting him.”

That same year, 2009, no white men were killed in Cincinnati, but 44 black males and 11 females were the victims of homicide in the city.
Have we become so politically correct that we can't talk about 12.5% of the population committing a majority of the crime and then figuring out why and what can be done?
Yes....we have become that politically incorrect.  We can't talk about it.

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