
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Russian Meteor=30 Atomic Bombs

The clean up is underway to repair the damage from the Russia meteor.

New York: The meteor that streaked across the Russian skies on Friday, injuring around 1,200 people, exploded with a force 30 times greater than the Hiroshima nuclear bomb, NASA scientists say.

The 55 foot wide rock with a mass of 10,000 tonnes lit up the sky above the Urals region, causing shock waves and damaging thousands of homes in an event unprecedented in modern times.

"It had an energy greater than (all) the weapons used in World War II," Bill Cooke, leader of the Meteoroid Environments Office at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, told the 'New York Daily News'.

The dazzling fireball burned brighter than the Sun as it unleashed nearly 500 kilotons of energy, around 30 times the size of the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

Shock waves from the aerial explosion injured some 1,200 people and wrecked thousands of homes as residents cowered from the apocalyptic momentum in the city of Chelyabinsk, some 1497 km east of Moscow.

The meteor is the largest reported since 1908 when one crashed into Tunguska, Siberia, about 4828 km to the east.

"We would expect an event of this magnitude to occur once every 100 years on average," said Paul Chodas of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office.


The power of 30 atomic bombs?  More energy than all the weapons used in WWII?  That sounds incredibly serious!

So on the news last night they asked an expert what would have happened if that 10,000 ton rock had NOT exploded in the atmosphere but instead had slammed into a city?  He said, "If that were to happen it would level every building in all of Chicago and its suburbs.  There would be nothing left standing from the shock wave."  To which the reporter said, "Every building leveled in Chicago?  You are talking about the deaths of MILLIONS OF PEOPLE from just one event!"  To which the scientist replied, "Yep." no big deal right?  These things only hit earth every hundred years....and since it just hit Russia there is NO WAY another one is coming for 100 years...right?  Wrong!  ON AVERAGE an event like this happens every 100 years.

Now here is something else strange....the last event of this magnitude ALSO happened in Russia.  What are the chances of that?

You can see that story here where the shock wave leveled MILLIONS of trees in 1908.

I do know that God is going to use fiery hailstones during the Tribulation.  I also know that Revelation says a fiery mountain is going to crash into the sea with cataclysmic we can know for sure that this isn't the last 10,000 rock that is going to crash into earth.

Let's pray that this event will wake people up to our AWESOME GOD and that the FEAR OF THE LORD will lead them to the SAVING GRACE of JESUS CHRIST!

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