
Thursday, February 14, 2013

"Severe Epidemic" of Sex Diseases Warns CDC

What do we know about sex outside of marriage?  Since it falls outside of God's perfect plan for is sin.....since it is sin, there will be something disgusting as a consequence.

So what happens when an entire society ignores God's perfect plan?  Lots of disease, pain and misery....and LOTS of sexually transmitted diseases...that cost society $ billions....that we have to borrow from other godless countries....and won't be able to pay back.

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control released data Wednesday revealing that 20 million new sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are diagnosed each year nationwide, costing some $16 billion in taxpayer funds.

Half of the 20 million new infections affect people ages 15 to 24 - who only make up a quarter of the population, according to the statistics.

'STIs take a big health and economic toll on men and women in the United States, especially our youth,' CDC epidemiologist Catherine Lindsay told NBC News.
Much of the $16 billion in annual healthcare costs that go to STI's is spent on patients with HIV/AIDS, who require lifetime care.


Meanwhile, Hollywood just keeps pumping out more movies and TV shows that glorify sex outside of marriage and send our kids the obvious message that if you aren't screwing by age have a big NERD problem...and you better go get laid...QUICK!

Satan sure loves perverting God's plans.

Happy Valentines Day!

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