
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Confused Minds of Liberals

You see friends, it really is pretty simple;  THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM.

What that really means is that people who don't fear the Lord might be incredibly book smart and may even invent some incredible things that gives them some incredible wealth....but at the end of the day, they are still terribly confused. 

Witness these articles that a writer from the WSJ picked up on from the liberal website called SALON.COM

Last November, Salon had an article about the woman who died in Ireland because she was denied an abortion to save her life.  Of course a story like that is more rare than lightning striking the woman....but SALON.COM would have none of that;

Here’s your horrible, heartbreaking reminder for today, world: When religion guides your government and reproductive rights are denied, women die.

Savita Halappanavar, a 31-year-old dentist living in Galway, was 17 weeks pregnant when she appeared at her University Hospital on Oct. 21, complaining of pain. Doctors there determined that she was miscarrying, but would not remove the fetus because it still had a heartbeat. Her husband, Praveen Halappanavar, told reporters this week that the hospital staff informed the couple that “This is a Catholic country.” Mr. Praveen who came to Ireland from India, told the staff, “I am neither Irish nor Catholic,” but they said they couldn’t do anything.

“The doctor told us the cervix was fully dilated, amniotic fluid was leaking and unfortunately the baby wouldn’t survive … Savita was really in agony. She was very upset, but she accepted she was losing the baby,” Mr. Halappanavar said. ”When the consultant came on the ward rounds on Monday morning, Savita asked if they could not save the baby could they induce to end the pregnancy. The consultant said, ‘As long as there is a fetal heartbeat we can’t do anything.’” It was only after the heartbeat stopped on its own that the fetus was removed and Savita was moved to intensive care. She died on Oct. 28 from septicaemia.

See whole article here;

So they use the ONE IN A MILLION case to trumpet how awful religion is.

Fast forward to Feb. 17, 2013 and we have the same SALON.COM coming out with an article about how religous people are now exploiting a woman who DIED FROM complications sustained from having an abortion.

Anti-choice activists held an anti-funeral Monday [3] outside the clinic where a 29-year-old woman died from abortion complications last week in Germantown, Maryland.

Hiding behind the façade of a “memorial service,” more than 150 anti-abortion crusaders exploited the death of a young woman to advance their hateful agenda. The anti-vigil draws comparison to the Westboro Baptist Church’s notorious funeral picketing. But, whereas the WBC overtly spreads their repulsive message, these anti-choice activists use far more insidious tactics.

“We understand how horrible this situation is,” said Michael Martelli, executive director of the Maryland Coalition for Life. “And really, we can’t imagine what the family is going through. The family is in no way any type of target.”

Yet, the protesters had no problem plastering the deceased woman’s face on signs brandished with the message: “Pregnant? Scared? We can help!” Apparently, the activists’ respect for family doesn’t go so far as not using a dead loved one as a political prop.

See that article here;

So SALON wants to plaster a dead woman's face all over their site when she dies because she COULDN'T get abortion....but they are appalled when abortion protesters "plastered" a dead woman's face all over the place to who died FROM an abortion.

Hmmmm....double standard??

You see people...the liberals always want it both ways.  As I have stated before its because they can't help but make decisions from their FEELINGS and EMOTIONS.  They FEEL BAD that everyone in America can't have all the health care, surgeries and medicine that they matter the cost.  But when confronted with the logical question of raising $ trillions to pay for this cause...they have no answer and can only snap back, "We are talking about some one's life here!!  Is it always about money to you conservatives?!"

Witness the gun control debate being championed by liberals...many who want to ban certain rifles.  Even when confronted with the FBI facts that rifles have been used to murder in less than 1% of all murders...they will dismiss the logic and say, "If even one life can be saved by banning rifles, it will be worth it!!"

Really?  Do they say the same thing about alcohol, marijuana, prescription drugs, sexually transmitted diseases that kill FAR MORE THAN GUNS? 

Of course not!....because they are FOR those activities, regardless of the death they cause.  But those dang, nasty, black guns that kill just a few folks per year....they just gotta go!!

Makes no LOGICAL sense.

I honestly don't know if I have ever met a serious student of the Bible who believes what it says and DOES what it commands...who has been a liberal.  Of course there may be many out there....I just have never met one. 

That's a little bit scary when you read,  1 Corinthians 1:18
  'For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.'
Hat tip to Tim H.

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